Episode 21: Sir Pentious

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(The beginning of what my co-writer and I like to call The Heaven Arc!!!)

The beautiful golden city of Heaven had everyone in awe, except Vaggie and Lucifer, who remembered it all too well. Even Charlie was still in awe by its existence.

GM smiled. "Take in every sight you can, my friends! You are our guests."

"Hey, uhh, Dad? You sure no one's gonna try and come at me with a bunch of spears?" Lucifer asked suddenly, trying to hide his face with his hat.

"I can promise you that, son. I let Heaven's various authorities know beforehand." GM nodded, acting as the tour guide. "Oh! I think I know the perfect stop to go to first!"

"Is this whole thing made out of fuckin' gold?" Angel breathed.

"No, it's various other colors and materials." GM said. "But that aside, follow me!"

Charlie then looked at her girlfriend and father. "You two doing okay?"

Vaggie smiled. "We're doing fine, hun. Right, your highness?"

"Surprisingly yeah." Lucifer said.

Charlie smiled and quickly caught up with her grandfather.

Vaggie then looked at Lucifer. "How are you actually doing?"

"I'm terrified." Lucifer squeaked, his voice cracking.

"Same." Vaggie squeaked back.

After a quick walk through the beautiful city, they arrived at a small workshop of sorts. The workshop itself looked to be a combination of modern day...and the Victorian Era?

"What are we here for?" Husk asked, still holding Nifty from trying to run and stab someone.

GM grinned. "You'll see."

Eventually, they walked through the door and inside the workshop...was a familiar Seraphim and serpent.

"You're sure Heaven's military needs all this?" Emily asked, looking at a giant cannon.

Pentious laughed, lifting his goggles. "But of courssse they will! You never know when an actual uprisssing may happen!"

"That's the same attitude that had Sera think genocide was a good idea." Emily said.

Pentious blinked. "...oh. Right."

"...Pentious?" Charlie gasped, covering her mouth.

Pentious' eyes widened and he whipped around, dropping his welder. "...my friendsss?"

Angel stepped forward. "Holy shit..."

Husk rubbed his eyes a bit before he grinned. "Well, I'll be damned."

"Seems he really is unkillable." Alastor hummed.

Nifty blinked. "The phony bad boy's now a good boy?"

"...PENTIOUS!!!" Charlie sobbed as she dashed over and hugged the heavenly snake.

And sure enough, Vaggie, Angel, Nifty, and even Husk joined in.

Pentious laughed with tears in his eyes as he hugged all of them back. "MY FRIENDSSS!!!"

Emily watched the reunion with sparkly eyes, even making the sound of a squeaky toy once again.

"Holy crap, dude!!! Look at you!!!" Angel laughed, smacking Pentious on the back. "Who knew you'd look good in white?"

"I-I know!!!" Pentious laughed. "I'm ssso happy to see you all again!!! How did you get here? Are you all already redeemed?!"

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