Episode 3: Hotel Staff

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"...it seems my son still doesn't want to talk to me." GM said. "That...that is very fair."

Charlie was still a sniffling mess at the realization that not only was her friend alive, but her hotel now had undeniable proof it worked. She even had a bit of snot dripping out of her nose.

GM's four eyes softened and he summoned a box of tissues.

"T-t-thanks, Grandpa." Charlie said as she grabbed one and blew her nose.

Vaggie's eye was shining with pride as she raced over, picking up Charlie and spinning her around. "I fucking knew you could do it, princessa!!!"

"Vaggie, we d-did it!!!" Charlie cheered before blowing her nose again. "Pentious is aliiiive!!!"

Alastor looked down at the unconscious Cherri and lightly kicked her, only to see nothing happened. He then looked at GM, his eye slightly twitching, but his time to speak would come soon. So, he remained silent.

"...this...this is a lot to take in one fuckin' morning, man." Husk said.

GM chuckled. "Please. Take your time. We literally have all of eternity."

Angel stared off into space, processing. He, eventually, took a deep breath.

"S-so...we can...we can see our families again?" He eventually asked, his mind immediately going to his mother and sister. He was never close to his father for being different growing up...but maybe...maybe he could talk to his brother, at the very least.

He wasn't sure about his father, but...but maybe his big brother had a chance too.

"Yes." GM said. "However, you will all still have to do the work. I mean, I know I sang a song about how I can do anything for this hotel and for my darling grandchild, but redemption can't be given. It has to be earned."

He then summoned a whiteboard and a pointer, showing a rather expertly drawn version of Sir Pentious. "Take Sir Pentious for example. In his previous life, he was essentially the Victorian Era's version of a terrorist. When he died, he continued that life...but after coming to this hotel? He learned there were things more important than power and found something worth fighting for. What truly redeemed his soul was when he selflessly sacrificed himself to stop Adam."

Husk nodded. "...so...does Angel and anyone else gotta die to get to Heaven?"

"Oh, no, no." GM reassured. "It's likely Pentious would've just assumed his Heavenly form if his attempt had succeeded. Adam just so happened to blast him. So, none of you have to die to do this."

"Well, that's no fun!" Nifty pouted.

Angel gave her a concerned look. "...Nifty, we gotta talk about your definition of "fun" sometime..."

Nifty just gave Angel a creepy smile. "Okay!"

GM just sighed. "Speaking of little Nifty here, I may have to congratulate her. She was the one that killed Adam after all."

"And you're not mad that our little maid killed your First Man?" Alastor grinned.

GM's eyes narrowed. "...Adam was a selfish, misogynistic, murderous, and infuriating piece of shit who was not only totally okay with murdering all of his descendants, but fucking lying to me. I DO NOT MISS HIM, NOR WILL I MOURN HIM."

Vaggie grinned. "FUCKING THANK YOU!"

"You're welcome, Vaggie." GM smiled. "But we shall have a small talk later if that is alright. I'm aware you're one of his former Exorcists."

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