Episode 12: The Vees

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GM walked through the streets of Pentagram City, stopping traffic with a mere flick of his finger so he could keep walking without a care, not that anyone in Hell could hurt him even with their cars.

And to show his absolute fury, a thunderstorm started to grow in Hell. The red sky of The Pride Ring was covered in dark clouds and the thunder started to rumble louder and louder with every step The Father of Heaven took.

Then, lightning shot out from the clouds and GM disappeared once it did, now at the doorstep of Vee Tower.


"...sheesh. Did Hell usually have storms?" Vox asked, looking outside.

Velvette was just texting on her phone before suddenly giggling. "Man, she's insatiable."

Vox turned. "Who is?"

"Uhh, what? Fuck off! No one!" Velvette said.

Vox rolled his eyes before looking out the window again, staring at the lightning striking from the dark clouds.

Then, the third Vee walked in. "Ugh, what the fuck is going on?! I'm trying to get some sleep- Wait, did it always storm in Hell?"

Vox turned. "Yeah, that's what I asked...and for some weird reason, I'm feeling uneasy."

"Go spy on Alastor then to calm your nerves or something! Don't you have drones around that shitty hotel?" Valentino asked.

Vox sighed. "That's just it...everyone in the hotel keeps talking to someone that the drones can't see. Even that old timey prick seemed...pissed off."

Velvette laughed suddenly. "Wishing that was you?"

"Shut it, Velv!" Vox said. "I don't give a flying fuck if I'm the one messing with Alastor or not!!! As long as he's out of my hair!!!"

"Mmm...we both know that's a lie-" Valentino said before a lightning bolt struck the ground, letting out a large boom and causing the power to go out.

Vox sighed. "Great. Just great-"

But then, the lightning struck again...only this time...inside the room, nearly hitting The Vees.

"What the bloody hell?!?" Velvette exclaimed, quickly jumping off the couch and backing up.

Vox backed up as well before the lights flickered on again. "...okay...this is-"

"Hello, Victor." A voice said.

Vox's eyes widened at the mention of his real name and he whipped around, jumping back with a yelp.

And then, there GM was, towering above them since he was only just slightly taller than Valentino.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Valentino exclaimed, grabbing one of his guns and pointing it at GM.

GM looked at the gun before his four eyes glowed gold. "...so, you're Valentino? I have to say...you're even more disgusting up close."

Valentino's eye twitched. "Give me one good reason not to blow your goddamn-"

But suddenly, Valentino's gun disappeared with another strike of lightning outside.

"Goddamn." GM repeated. "Well. I am going to erase your damned existence..."

Vox then snorted. "Okay, Four Eyes! I don't think you know who you're talking to...so spill it! Who the hell are you?!"

GM sighed. "...I am the Lord of Heaven...and you've pissed me off..."

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