Episode 37: The Queen's Return

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One week. It had been one week since the visit in Heaven and the Hazbin Hotel was busy.

Seemed all the advertising that Grandpa Morningstar had The Vees and Alastor do paid off. Because the very following day after accepting the new Sinners, about three more came.

It wasn't packed, but it was still a significant amount.

And Charlie was ecstatic. Some Sinners were actually willing to give the hotel a try!

Even if there was some...tension between Angel and his own brother.

Arackniss was his full name, or his Sinner name at least. And he was...rather reserved and quiet compared to his younger brother.

Professor Baxter also seemed to be an interesting one. A self-proclaimed mad scientist. And he got along well with...Nifty of all people.

But needless to say, Charlie was more than happy to help them. And her new powers as the Angel of Redemption came in handy.

"Today's activity is a bit different this time!" Charlie smiled before she snapped her fingers and suddenly, journals appeared in each of the Sinners' hands.

Angel blinked. "Uhhhh...I don't get it, Char."

Baxter hummed. "Oh, it's in my colors!!!"

"Yeah, uhh, Char. Ya might need to explain." Cherri said.

Charlie smiled. "Well, I did some more research on activities for rehabilitation and I learned of a therapeutic way to express your feelings! Sometimes outwardly talking about how you feel can be scary and...overwhelming. So, this is a way to just write them down and get them on paper! And these journals are private! No one can read them but you! And they're mystically designed that way!"

Angel hummed. "Huh. Okay."

"Ugh...writin' in a diary like a girl? Damnit." Arackniss grumbled.

Cherri gave him a look. "What? Got a problem with that?"

Charlie crossed her arms. "Cherri."

Cherri sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm fuckin' sorry. He's just-"

"How about you write what you feel down then? Again, no one can see it but you." Charlie smiled. "Watch!"

She then grabbed her own journal and scribbled something down before showing it off, and to their eyes, it was completely blank.

"Huh. Okay." Angel grinned. "That's actually pretty cool."

"Right!?" Charlie squealed. "But anyway, I hope you can all make daily progress reports for yourself! Write down how you feel or maybe even doodle how you feel if that's better for you!"

Baxter raised his hand.

"No, you cannot make the journal sentient...although, that would be cool."

"It really would." Baxter smiled.

But then, suddenly, a familiar heavenly portal opened up behind Charlie and then suddenly pulled her into a hug.

"How's my favorite granddaughter doing!?" GM cried as he held Charlie up before whispering. "Don't tell Molly."

Charlie snorted and laughed before facing everyone. "Grandpa, I'm working!"

"Oh! I see you have new guests!!!" GM smiled. "Hello!"

Arackniss blinked. "The fuck? Tony, who's this?"

"That's God." Angel said simply.

Arackniss' eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. "...no shit?"

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