Episode 24: Raphael

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"Okay, I actually do have one more question. And since you're the Angel of Death, figured you'd know." Vaggie said.

Azrael turned. "What's up?"

"So...when Sinners or Winners die by a regular means, they regenerate. Right?"

Azrael nodded. "Yyyup. Winners don't usually have to regenerate cause it's not like there's any lethal threat in Heaven that would willingly hurt them."

"But when Heavenborn and Hellborn die, they don't...so...what's up with that?" Vaggie asked. "We have souls too."

Charlie blinked. "That's...actually a good point! I mean, their souls have to go somewhere, right?"

Lucifer blinked. "Damn. Not even I know. Azzy?"

"Oh! Well, it's actually pretty simple!" Azrael said. "Okay, so you know Heaven and Hell? Well, those aren't the only two planes of existence that a soul can go to. There's Purgatory and Limbo."

Charlie gasped. "Limbo?! Like the party game?!"

J chuckled. "No, dear niece. Limbo as in the realm. Limbo is essentially...storage for souls when their fates are uncertain. Hellborn and Heavenborn, if they were to ever die, would arrive there. They'll either await Father's choice to resurrect them or await reincarnation, which is where they are given a new life. More often than not, it's the second one. Father doesn't like to resurrect people unless he truly deems it necessary."

"And Purgatory is kinda like the middle ground of Heaven and Hell." Azrael explained. "Hellborn and Heavenborn don't end up there, but when a human soul is morally gray...that's where they end up. They'll stay there until it's decided they should go to Heaven or Hell. Think of it like a courtroom with a judge deciding if they're guilty or innocent. The realm itself is the judge. Although, sometimes I would know right away and wouldn't have to take them to Purgatory."

Vaggie blinked. "Wait...so...you knew what gets a soul into Heaven?"

"Well, duh. Dad told us." Azrael said. "And before you ask, I was just way too busy to even tell Sera and the other members of the High Council. I also just...assumed they knew. And now you guys know that Redemption was the plan for Hell from the beginning. Still super proud of you, Char!"

Lucifer smiled. "That's my girl..."

Charlie giggled. "Awwww, Dad!"

J then stopped walking. "We have arrived. Brothers, Vaggie, and my dear niece...I present to you General Raphael. Angel of Healing and general of all of Heaven's armies."

Lucifer blinked. "Wait, wait...General?"

Vaggie then looked across from them and her eye widened when nostalgia hit her like a truck.

In front of them all was a large obstacle course with soldiers, both male and female this time, running across it. They were all moving with speed and skill that The Exorcists had displayed during the Exterminations, with the majority of them not nearly as good. These must have all been cadets.

And in the middle of it all was an Archangel wearing a white and gold general's uniform that looked quite similar to the one Pentious wore when they fought Adam. Minus the hat. He had a stern face, hands behind his back, and brown hair to go with his white skin.

"Hussle, maggots! Hussle! I've seen Cherubs fly better than that!" Raphael exclaimed.

"SIR YES SIR!" They all shouted back as they started moving faster.

Vaggie then slowly hid behind Azrael, clearly a bit nervous for her old teacher to see her again. If he would even recognize her.

Charlie blinked. "...the Angel of Healing is a drill sergeant?"

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