Episode 28: Annabelle and Molly

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Angel walked right through the portal that GM had given him and he arrived in...a surprisingly large house. It wasn't a mansion, but it was definitely big enough for a large family and some guests.

And sure enough, he was right at the door. Angel was about to knock before he stepped back. "Shit, what am I doing? They're not gonna recognize me like...this!"

He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "If this is even their house...I doubt The Big G would just lie, but...I dunno, maybe being all powerful doesn't- I don't even fuckin' know what I'm saying..."

He then leaned against the porch, looking down. "And now I'm talking to myself...fantastic."

But then, a voice suddenly spoke...a familiar one. At least to Angel.

"Uhh...can I help you, stranger?"

Angel's eyes widened and he turned around to see a spider like him. Although, much less demonic and more friendly.

She had only two arms, but four legs instead. She had long hair, white fluff all around, and an adorable smile to go with a black and pink dress.

"Shi- I mean...I-I'm sorry, I think I'm lost or something." Angel said.

The spider blinked before giggling. "Don't worry about it! Heaven's a pretty big place! Anyway I can help?"

"You don't know me and you're already wanting to help?" Angel grinned.

The spider shrugged. "Why not? Just cause I'm dead don't mean I can't help someone. It's how my Ma met my Pa!"

Angel hummed. "Well...okay, this is gonna sound insane. I'm...I'm with God?"

The spider...didn't look freaked out at all.

"As in, I'm sort of a guest here? I-I'm...I'm actually from Hell." Angel said.

The spider's eyes widened then. "Oh! Shit..."

'Guess they do swear here.' Angel thought.

"...well, if God brought ya up here, then maybe you're apart of that redemption program my cousin's been settin' up!" The spider smiled. "Haven't met my cousin yet, but still!!!"

Angel laughed. "Charlie's hotel is already well known up here?"

"Yeah, it was all over the news!" The spider grinned. "All any Winner up here talks about nowadays. And that the First Dick died or somethin'."

"Oh, yeah! I was there!" Angel grinned. "It was hilarious."

"Dick Master, my ass. Which by the way, he wouldn't be able to get even if he tried." The spider said.

The two then began laughing together before they both sighed, ironically in unison.

"Well, guess I should bring ya inside!" The spider said. "Maybe Ma and I can help you find wherever you're goin'. I'm Molly by the way."

Angel's eyes bulged and he whipped his head towards her. "...Molly?"

"Yeah! Cute name, right?" Molly asked. "A lotta guys and gals think so- Hey, you okay?"

Angel stared at Molly for the longest time and for a moment, he could see the face of his twin. What she looked like when she was alive.

"Hello?" Molly asked.

"...it's you..." Angel breathed. "H-how did I not see it sooner?"

Molly tilted her head. "Whaddya mean...?"

"...Angel Dust." He said/introduced.

Molly's eyes widened. "Whew. Haven't heard that in a while...my brother went crazy over that-"

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