Episode 27: Jophiel

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"I gotta admit, I don't think I've ever been through so many portals in my life until now." Charlie said as she and the now larger group walked through another heavenly portal.

"Heaven is a big place. Not exactly very easy to traverse on foot unless you like walking." Uriel said.

Azrael blinked. "...wait...can't all of us fly?"

Everyone looked at each other almost...awkwardly. There was just silence.

"...portals are faster." J finally said before smiling. "But, we are nearly done. Jophiel is this way."

The walk was rather quick before they arrived at...a large playground. Possibly the biggest Charlie had ever seen. And hundreds of children were playing on it. Some older, some younger, and some were just at a picnic table with their families. Parents, siblings, guardians, or even just a friend.

Lucifer blinked. "This is where Jophy is?"

"I-I always forget how crowded this place is." Gabriel mumbled.

Uriel squinted his eyes before he grinned. "Ah! There she is."

And in the distance was another Archangel. Pale white skin and rather beautiful blonde hair matching the majority of her siblings and Charlie. She was wearing a white dress, black pants with large white boots, and a golden stole with white feathers at the edge.

A group of children were surrounding her, with Jophiel closing her eyes.

"1...2...3..." Jophiel counted.

The various children started to giggle and laugh as they ran all across the playground.

"4...5...6...7...8...9...10!" Jophiel smiled as she opened her eyes as her wings spread out, taking her into the air. "Ready or not, here I come!"

Lucifer hummed. "She's a babysitter?"

Raphael shrugged. "More or less. It's her job to watch over and protect the souls of the children who arrive here until their parents or guardian arrive in case they die before them."

"...and if they don't have one?" Vaggie asked, holding Charlie's hand as she was already beginning to sniffle at the thought of a child dying before their parents.

Azrael's eyes softened. "Well, they usually live at the orphanage. Jophy goes there so often that she runs the place. And unlike Earth or Hell, it's actually a pretty nice place."

"Jophy's kind of like the mom they never had..." Camael said. "She always wanted to be one, was just always too busy to find the right person."

"I think that's why she finds this job so fulfilling. She gets to be one, even if only just for a little while." J hummed.

Charlie then watched her aunt again, her heart suddenly clenching when she found a child hiding behind a tree.

"Found you!" Jophiel grinned, scooping up a little boy who looked to be some kind of amphibian Winner. He almost looked like Pentious.

The boy laughed. "Awwww, no fair!!!"

Jophiel then set him down. "You almost had me fooled, sweetie!"

Charlie watched the scene, flashing back to when her mother would play hide and seek with her. She would always try to hide in the trees, but could never blend in. Her mother always found her.

Jophiel then spotted her family across from her and gasped before she looked at the boy. "Arthur, could you find everyone for me? There's some people I need to speak to."

"Okay, Miss Jophiel!" Arthur said before running off.

Jophiel smiled before she quickly flew over to her family. "Everyone!!! It's so good to see you!!!"

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