Chapter 37 - Say yes to everything all day/ have a valentine

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Dear diary, (08/02/2014)

"and he suddenly knew that if she killed herself, he would die. Maybe not immediately, maybe not with the same blinding rush of pain, but it would happen. You couldn't live for very long without a heart."

― Jodi Picoult


Yesterday was spent entirely on the plane and my god, it was horrific. Sure, business was nice and quiet and I slept more than I did on the flight there, but that still didn't make up for the fact that it was squishy and claustrophobic. There was more turbulence than I would have liked and I was determined that we would have to make an emergency landing - I was that paranoid. Who flies in the bloody rain anyway?

Ashy was his normal charming self, even though all he did was eat and watch 90's rock bands documentaries. Something was different about him, every time he'd look at me he'd smile and it was kind of a creepy yet a somewhat heart felt smile. In fact, he'd been acting weird ever since that night he'd spent with Calum. Nonetheless, the flight was still long and cramped but it was all worth it to see Ashton at home, happy.

We landed at around a quarter past 9 and my hand was glued to Ashton's as we descended. We were let off before the others which was nice and getting our bags from the carousel was surprisingly no hassle. We grabbed dinner at the airport because the aeroplane's dinners went really all that tasty. At 9 o'clock at night we grabbed some doughnuts to go as well as a tea for me and a milkshake for Ash.

Aston scoffed down around four doughnuts as we attempted to hail down taxi's and another two before we actually managed to flag one down. Our driver was ridiculously talkative and Ashton would but in whenever the guy would try and make conversation with me. We soon arrived outside of my place and Ashton tossed the driver some money and pulled me out of the car before I could even offer the guy a tip. We dragged our suitcases inside and collapsed into bed almost instantly. No more trying to fall asleep on an aeroplane, at least not for a while.

I woke up to the unfamiliar scene of Ashton cleaning. I assumed he was trying unpack all of our suitcases in attempt to surprise me when woke up. I kept my eyes semi-shut, just enough to make out what he was actually doing.

He held up what appeared to be a few of my bras in his left hand and looked around my room to try and recall where they went. His eyes snapped to my bedside table and he smiled as he walked towards it, opened up the bottom draw and shoved them in. Ashton them walked back over to my suitcase, put his hand in and out he pulled my favourite pair of jeans. He looked even more confused this time, but walked over to my draws and opened up the second one.

"Next one down." I croaked out. Ashton immediately spun around with an unamused looked on his cute little face.

"You weren't supposed to wake up yet." He pouted, but listened to my instructions on where to put the jeans. He made his way over to the bed and sat down next to where I layed.

"It's your birthday in two days, and valentines day in six." He said, looking down at my half asleep face.

"A-huh." I nodded.

"So I feel like the next few days have to be epic. I want to be the best boyfriend like ever. When you woke up the room would have been clean, breakfast would have been made and then I would have taken you on this epic journey..."

"You don't have to, I'm fine with just being here, with you." I yawned, sitting upright.

"No no no, that's not gonna cut it Charles." He explained as he stood up from the bed and headed towards my bedroom door. "Breakfast will be ready in five." He paused. "Make that fifteen, and you need to be showered, dressed and ready to go in twenty." He nodded to himself and exiting the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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