Chapter 28 - Get a tattoo (x)

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Dear diary, (28/01/2014)



I stare up at the purple nail polish on my fingernails. It was a shit job considering Ashton was either blind or didn't have any hand coordination. I had already chipped a few nails despite it being done just yesterday. I turn my hand over and use one of my fingers to rub over the smooth skin on my wrist. I started to trace over the lines there before the sound of the bathroom door opening averted my attention.

I turn my head to see Ashton returning from the bathroom. The only difference now is the fact that he's put jeans on over his boxers. He pulls up the covers on his side of the bed and jumps back in beside me.

"I thought you were asleep." He says, his voice raspy.
"I was, until I rolled over to an empty space."
"Aw, did wittle Charles miss me?" He teases.

"No, I just don't like waking up alone." I pout and return my eyes to the creases on my wrist.
"So." He props himself up on his elbow and looks at me. His smile is still evdient on his face. "What's on the agenda today?"
"Who knows?" I breath out.

"I'll let you decided today." He says and rolls back over.
"I don't know." I shrugg and start tracing my fingers back over the creases. After a few seconds of deciding I answer.

"I think I wanna get get a tattoo." I say and turn to look at Ashton who obviously didn't hear me because he's sound asleep.

"Like we could even get matching ones." I ramble, not like he can here me. "I mean, not matching ones, that would be absurd, I mean like ones that remind us of one another. Oh god, no that's lame. I may as well just get your name tattooed across my back. Just forget it." I chuckle and snuggle up next to his already asleep body.


It was around noon when I finally decided to get out of bed. Ashton on the other hand didn't look as if he'd be leaving anytime soon. Which is why I decided not to wake him before I left for the restaraunt. I didn't really intend to go to the restaraunt today, until I remembered that I promised Tommy that I'd come and say hi to everyone.

I still wasn't sure whether or not Tommy's offer still stood after the night of the fight, but all in all, it was my choice and I wanted to see Brian more than anyone.

I slowly opened the doors to the restaurant and found Denise working the front desk. She didn't seem to recognise me at first, but soon remembered who I was just in time as I approached her.

Truth is, I wasn't sure if Tommy was angry or pissed or whatever and I planned on just seeing Brian and see how he was doing. Maybe even talk to him about coming back to work, considering that I might be around for a while and the rent + Ashton's extensive grocery list was already chewing into my savings.

"Charlie." Denise smiled but didn't make any attempt at hugging me whatsoever. We weren't really friends anyway.
"Is Brian in?" I asked and looked around the empty restaurant.

"Not today." She replied. "He's out with a guy, I can't remember which one and-" I cut her off before she could go into detail about one of Brian's one night stands that he most definitely met at the gay bar downtown.

"That's okay. I'll come by another time." I said and turned to leave, the sound of another persons voice soon making me turn back around.

"So, you've finally come for that arranged dinner I see." Tommy yelled out to me and smiled from the kitchen. I stopped and walked past Denise's stand, ending up in front of a table.

That was the weird thing about Tommy. He had told me to come and see the place before I had ditched him for Ashton in the shops, then we kind of flirted and he wanted to arrange to take me out to dinner before being jumped by Ashton, and then he was all sweet at the carnival. It's like he refused to give up and would put up with Ashton and all his bullshit during. Maybe I owed it to him to sit down and talk? Set things straight over lunch?

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