Chapter 5 - Get drunk (x)

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Dear diary, (04/01/2014)

I like to be alone, but I hate being lonely.


"Just drink it!" Ashton yelled at me over the loud music. I continued to shake my head, I can't believe I was chickening out already. I didn't like the taste of alcohol and the more I stared at the tiny shot glass filled with god knows what, the more I felt sick.

"Come on Charles! Don't be a chicken!" He nudged me, downing his third shot.

I swallowed hard before reaching for the glass and clasping my fingers around it. I stared at it for a few more seconds before bringing the rim of the tiny glass to my mouth, throwing my head back and feeling the liquid go down my throat with it.

I coughed almost immediately, my throat burned. But I figured in order to get drunk, I was going to need a lot more than one shot.

And here is when it began.


"You know Charlieeee." Ashton smiled as his draped his arm around me. "Life is like a sandwich!"

"What do you mean?" I slurred/laughed back. I didn't know if I was drunk or not, I had never been before and if I was, Ashton seemed no where as drunk as me.

"You see, you have birth as one slice and death as the other." He paused to swallow. "And what you put in-between the slices is up to you." He giggled and raised his arm to flag down the bartender. He put up two of his fingers like he had done so many times before, and turned back to me. "What's on your sandwich Charlie?" He asked, propping his head up on his hand. "Chicken. Lot's of chicken." I answered back, staring off into the distance. The thought of chicken made my stomach swirl and I began to feel my mouth water. As soon as our drinks came I didn't hesitate to scull down the entire thing. I was not going to vomit. "What about you Irwin?"

"I think I may have burnt my bread a long time ago." he laughs out.

The thought of burnt bread and chicken are fresh in my mind and my mouth continues to water indicating that I was in fact going to throw up.

I jump up from my stool and run to where I think the ladies room is , I find the first stall free, thank god and run straight into it, not bothering to shut the door.

My eyes were watering, I was throwing up everything and I had never felt worse. After a couple of seconds, I felt my hair being pulled to the back and another hand between my shoulder blades rubbing circles. I continued to throw up unidentifiable colours and chunks, I was throwing up from looking at the throw up. It felt like a never ending cycle. When I finished throwing up more than I had consumed, I closed the toilet lid and flushed it.

After the flushing had stopped and I had wiped my mouth with toilet paper, I turned around to find Ashton chuckling and shaking his head.

"You're drunk." He stated as his face began to get blurry.

"You're three eyed and three nose Ashley." I hiccup as he pulls me up from the ground.

"Let's get you home before you pass out yea?" He didn't wait for an answer, but instead picked me up bridal style and walked out of the ladies room and soon, out of the bar.

"Ashton, you were in the ladies room. You're not a lady." I laughed out. It wasn't funny, and I didn't know why I thought it was.

"Man, you are such a light weight." He laughed to himself. "This is by far the easiest one." He scoffed.

I think we were at the bar near the café, or maybe not. Who knows?

"Why did you burn your bread Ash?" I coughed out, while I tried to sit up straighter, getting a better look at him.

"I let someone close to me get hurt." He said as he threw me up, trying hard not to let my slip from his grasp.


"An old friend of mine." He said flatly and carried on walking. I don't know what possessed me to keep on talking and questioning him, but I did.

"Was it your girlfriend?" I interrogated.

"Something like that." He chuckled, laughing at my drunken state. "It was a long time ago."

"Did you lololove her?" I sung, sounding awful.

"Maybe." He smiled and looked down at me, as he continued to laugh to himself.

"You are shit at answering questions you know." I tried to sounded angry for some reason.

"So are you." He retorted.

"I am not!"

"What's your last name then?" He asked, raising an eyebrows down at me.

"My, my last name?" I hiccupped and started laughing. "It's silly." I laughed and laid my head back.

"What's silly?"

"My last name!" I yelled back but he just continued to laugh at me.

"What is it?"

"I told you it's silly!"

"Your last name is silly?" He asked, laughing still.

"No." I huffed crossing my arms, trying to give him an evil glare.

"Okay. I won't ask anymore." He said and shook his head.

"Why were you on the roof that night?" I asked him while laying back, staring at the sky.

"Why were you on the roof that night?" He asked back.

"Don't sass me." I pouted at him.

"You know why." He snorted.

"You wanted to go 'Kla-boom"!" I yelled into the street. "I mean why did you want to go 'Kla-boom?" I pressed.

"That's enough heart to heart for tonight." He groaned and started reaching for my pockets in search of my keys.

"Okay." I yawned. "Maybe tomorrow."

"You won't want to talk tomorrow, trust me." He laughed. I continued to yawn as he managed to unlock the door and get us both inside. He walked me straight into my room and slowly placed me on my bed.

"I'll be right back." He said before adjusting some pillows behind my head and exiting my room, going into my bathroom.

He returned moments later with two pills and a glass of water.

"What? Didn't want to bring the whole bottle?" I said referring to the pills. He shook his head and laughed again.

"These are for tomorrow morning when you wake up," He said holding out the pills in his hand for me to see, then placing them on my bedside table.

"And this is for now, drink it and I'll refill it and leave it here with the pills for tomorrow." He said holding up what looked like the tiny vase thing that I put my toothbrush and toothpaste in.

"That's not a cup." I said and shook my head.

"I had to improvise." He shrugged and handed it to me. "Here drink it all."

"Okay mom." I retorted, getting sick of him treating me like a baby.

I chugged down the water before moving my tongue around my mouth in disgust.

"It tastes like toothpaste!" I yelled and nearly threw the cup at him.

"Good. Your breath stank." He laughed and left with the cup. He returned with it full, and placed it on my bed side table.

"So, did you have fun tonight?" He asked, kneeling down at the end of my bed.

"Mhhmmhm." I replied, feeling extremely tired. I then felt my eye lids get heavy, my shoes being removed, and my light being turned off.

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