Chapter 12 - Learn to converse in another language (x)

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Dear diary, (11/10/2014)

It feels like everyone else is moving on with their lives while I'm stuck here in this hole that I can't climb out of.


I awoke to the sound of heavy breathing coming from beside me. I opened my eyes for the first time that morning to see Ashton laying in front of me. He was breathing deeply and his eyebrows were scrunched up in a confused-like manner. He seemed to be having a bad dream? So I decided to shake him awake after checking the time. The alarm clock on my bedside table read 8:28 So now would be the perfect time to wake him up. I slowly shook him with our joint hands and watched as his eyelids quickly snapped open.

"Hey." I said, causing him to look at me with disgust.

"Dang Charles!" he yelled at me. "You need a breath mint or something!" He coughed out while shaking his head trying to rid the smell. I immediately closed my mouth and began breathing out of my nose. He rolled onto his back, slightly pulling me with him. He stretched his arms for a bit, then his legs, and that's when I realised it.

"Ashton!" I yell and try to roll back over to my side.

"What?" He yells back.

I don't answer him, instead I gave him a weird, gross look and he got it.

He smiled then continued to defend himself. "It's not like it's for you! I can't control these things Charles." He sighs.

"Okay, okay." I surrendered. If we start walking now, by the time we get to the restaurant, 24 hours will be up."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Ashton exclaimed and jumped over me and out of the bed, painfully pulling me with him.

We didn't bother getting changed or anything, and walked to the restaurant in our pyjamas. We reached the restaurant soon enough and raced through the doors, in hopes of seeing Brian. Denise was working and was the only one out in the restaurant. Thinking Brian could possibly be in the kitchen, I drag Ashton in that direction. As we nearly reached the kitchen doors, someone walks out and nearly collides with us.

"Woah." The person exclaims and dodges us.

"Sorry." I say and look up to see who it was. "Tommy, hey." I smile politely at him, but he doesn't see it. He's too busy staring at Ashton and soon makes his way to look at our wrists that are handcuffed together.

"Good ole' Tommy." Ashton smiles and puts or interlocked arms up in the air, trying to greet Tommy with a handshake. He cold have used his free hand, but he was a shit-stirrer. Tommy of course doesn't accept it, and continues to stand there, not saying anything.

"Is your uncle around?" I ask him, his head snapping in my direction as soon as I spoke.

"He should be here, now." Tommy says flatly and points behind us. Both me and Ashton turn to see Brian entering the restaurant doors.

"Charlie!" He yells and runs over to us, already clutching the key to the hand cuffs in his hands, ready to free us. "There you go." Brian smiles as he unlocks our cuffs and hands the key to Ashton.

I rub my wrist and turn back to say bye to Tommy, but he wasn't there.

"Ready to go?" Ashton asked and I nodded.

"I'll see you Brian." I say and hug him briefly.

"See ya." Ashton politely says goodbye and pulls me away from Brian.

"Let's get out of here." He says and grabs my hand that was once cuffed to his.

"We just got this new found freedom and you still want to hold my hand?"

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