Chapter 35 - Get a passport and take it somewhere [Part 3] (x)

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[not very good, most likely mistakes]

Charlie's pov


I love, love.


The absent feeling of Ashton not beside when I woke up wasn't the best way to start the day. I'm so used to Ash's body holding mine that it's almost a disappointment when he's not here. It takes me a few seconds for the scenery around me to be taken in and for the memories of the past couple of days to register.

I stretch out across the empty bed and stretch some more once I stand up. Ashton's shirt just reaches the top of my thighs and I don't feel the need to change as I was positive that everyone but Ashton was out shopping. I walked out into the hallway and scurried down the stairs slowly, hearing Ashton's voice in the lounge room.

It wasn't until I walked into the lounge room was it that I heard a second voice. I stopped mid step, wanting to turn around and run back upstairs, but it was too late. The two people had already noticed me.

"Charlie?" Ashton said as he shot up and walked towards me. My eyes went straight the the dark headed stranger whom I had never seen before. He looked, um, Asian?

Ashton's eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of his head when he saw my clothing choices.
"Shit, um." Ashton's hand scratched at the back of his neck as he looked in between the guy and me whilst trying to keep my body somewhat covered by his.
"Charles this is Calum. Calum this is Charlie." The one named Calum gave me a small wave.

"How's it going?"

"Um, hi." I answered back, looking to Ashton who at this point in time, was kind of unrecognisable. His humour was no where to be found and there was a certain seriousness to his persona that felt almost unnatural.

"You guys can hug when Charles gets dressed." He said earning a chuckle from Calum. To be completely honest, the statement and attempt at a joke was forced. Which was so unlike Ash.

I quickly excused myself and ran back up stairs, putting on a pair of pants, a bra and brushing my teeth. I soon returned back downstairs to find both boys on opposing couches, talking away. Instead of of sitting down next to Ashton I walked over to Calum who stood up as soon as I did, enveloping me in a hug. We pulled away after a few seconds and I sat down beside Ashton as he took his original seat.

"I didn't know Calum was stopping by, sorry I didn't wake you." Ashton quickly said to me.

"S'okay." I smiled up at him and turned back to Calum. "So, how long have you guys known each other?" I hadn't even heard of this guy before, I had barely heard Ashton even talk about his friends.

"Since the start of high school." Calum answered. "We were all in the same class, me, Ash and Luke."

"Luke?" I asked and looked to Ashton.
"The guy I met at the carnival?" He nodded.

"Heard he's been doing good over there." Calum stated.

"He's doing alright." Ashton answered back.

"Did you come to America with them?" It was possible, I mean if they were all best friends.

"No." Calum shook his head. My first guess was because he had Asian parents, but then again the closer I got to his face, the less Asian he appeared. "I started working, I didn't go to schoolies." He smiled.

The faint sound of the front door opening was heard followed by Ashton's mother yelling out a loud 'hello, I'm home!'

"That'll be mum and Harry, I'll go help them." He said and stood up, hurrying towards the kitchen. I would have offered to help, but this Calum kid was here and I think he's important to ash so I guess I should make an effort.

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