Chapter 11 - Be handcuffed to someone for 24hours (x)

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Dear diary, (10/01/2014)

I just wanna feel okay again.


"Under no circumstances are you to give us the key. Not until 24 hours is up." Ashton explained to Brian as he handed him the key. We needed to give it to someone who we knew would keep it safe until our time was up.

"You got it." Brian replied as he took the key from Ashton and pushed it into his pocket. "Have fun you two. Don't get into too much trouble." He added and winked before walking into the kitchen, leaving us in the restaurant.

"You ready?" Ashton asked me as he held up the handcuffs with one hand.

"I guess."

"It's 9 now, so we'll come back tomorrow morning."

"Okay." I huffed out and raised my arm.

He then slapped one cuff on his left wrist and locked it closed before doing the same to me using my right wrist instead.

"24 whole hours Charles." He smiled at me as we both dropped our hands to our sides. "Whatever will we do?"

"We could do nothing." I said flatly, I didn't need Ashton pulling me around out in public all day.

"You're so boring. That's all we always do when we aren't handcuffed together."

"That's not true."

"I'm just saying," he sighed as he surrendered his arms, pulling my right one along with the gesture. "I'm pretty sure it would be in your best interest to keep me busy. I can get quite annoying and clingy."

"Oh, I know."

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you." He smiled and licked his lips.

"See you later Brian!" I yelled out across the empty restaurant in hopes of him hearing from the kitchen. Luckily he did hear and poked his head up near the kitchen window and waved goodbye.

"Let's go." Ashton demanded as he literally pulled me out the door.

"Where did you get these?" I asked him, referring to the handcuffs.

"Let's just say, I've had some interesting girlfriends in the past." He chuckles as he swings our connected hands back and forth, keeping in time with our walking pace.

"You? Have had a girlfriend?" I laugh, Ashton was many things, but affectionate was not one them.

"Girlfriends." He corrects, telling me that he's had multiple.

"Okay." I nod my head, not buying it.

"I have!" He defends and yanks our joint wrists up in the air.

"Okay!" I yell back and pull our hands back down. He just laughs and nudges my shoulder a tiny bit.

"Ashton, just remember that if you push me over again, I'm taking you with me."

"Right." He sighed understandingly. "Are we actually going to do nothing?" He asks.

"We could just watch movies or something."

"You my friend, are boring." He states and crosses his arms as he stops walking, pulling my hand to his chest.

"Come on." I pull my arm away from him and try to pull him in the direction that my apartment is in. We reach a lamp pole and Ashton being the child he is, chooses to go the opposite way as me.

"Ashton. Seriously." I huff out, getting annoyed already.

"What?" He smirks.

"God." I mumbled and walk around to his side of the pole, pulling us away from it. "That's enough poles for today." I nod and walk onto the road that was clear of high objects, dragging Ashton with me.

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