Chapter 33 - Get a passport and take it somewhere [Part 1] (x)

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Dear diary, (03/02/2014)

Note to self: do NOT hold Ashtons hand for too long, as it most definitely will sweat a profound amount.


"Charles, Charles, Charles!" Ashton's sweet, sexy but annoying voice awoke me yet again from yet another slumber. I rolled onto my back and immediately stretched out onto the soft surface. I had remembered falling asleep on the couch with Ashton, perhaps he carried me?

"Charles! Get up!" He yelled again, this time joining me on the bed. I rolled over on my side to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at me with a cute smile.

"Well, good morning sunshine."

"Hmmph." I reply and slowly sit up beside him. I attempt to untangle my knotted hair with my fingers as my mind becomes more awake.

"You know how you said that when I plan trips that I should give you notice to pack...." He begins with a knowing smirk. I yawn and nod at the same time, using my hand to cover my mouth.

"Well, I have an awesome plan."

"Go on." I say, my voice very raspy and barely sounding like my own.

"It's what?" He looks around my room for what I assume is a source of time. He then spots my phone on my bed side table and reaches for it, turning it on and then darkening the screen. "Seven. That'll give you like half an hour to pack, then us another half an hour to be there."

"Be where?" I raise my eyebrow up at him. The very gesture nearly makes me yawn again.

"The airport." He answers simply and stands up. My eyes shoot open and I no longer feel any sort of tiredness.

"The airport?" I whisper and stand up to follow the boy who is attempting to walk out of my room and leave me guessing his intentions. "But, but-"

"Oh hush." He turns and startles me, making me stop. "You have a passport right?" I have a strong feeling that he already knows the answer. I nod unknowingly.

"Don't worry. Just go back in your room and pack enough for a few days and I'll take care of the rest." He turns me around and gives me a little encouraging shove. Just as I begin to walk away he pinches my bottom, and by the time I turn around to scowl him, he's no where to be seen. I carry on walking to my room insearch of my passport. I stop at my draws and start digging through where I thought I had left it. My curious mind is running a million miles per minute and I decide to make knowledgeable conversation as I search and pack.

"Where are we going?' I yell out to the kitchen where I assume he is and continue to rummage through the draw. Once I realize that its not in the one I was currently searching, I give up and try the next.

"Out of the country." He yells back simply. Duh. I decide to give up on playing 21 questions that Ashton won't answer and focus on the only thing actually getting me out of this country. I sigh and shove the unsuccessful draw closed.

"Ashton, where's my-" I yell out, thinking he'd have a clue.

"Already packed." He finishes for me, walking into my room with a bowl of cereal in his hand. He then stands there with an amused smile on his face as he watches me scurry around my room trying to quickly pack.

Less than 33 minutes later, I have successfully packed a small suitcase. Ashton, being the smart thinker he is already had a taxi waiting by the time I was all ready to go. Ashton had nothing but a carry on- which was odd as it wasn't his usual rucksack, just a small duffle bag that I had no recollection of him owning.

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