Chapter 30 - Play chicken across a train track (x)

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Dear diary, (31/01/2014)

That moment when you can actually feel the pain in your chest from seeing something that breaks your heart, sucks.


I've always disliked waking up. Well, I used to. Whenever I'd have a dream a good or bad one It would feel real, whether it was good or shit, it felt real. Nightmare or not it was always better than reality. So in that weird moment right after you'd wake up and regain consciousness and start to remember who you are and whats real and whats not is always torture for me. But not lately.

I could have the best dream, and wake up and feel better. I'd wake up and either feel or see Ashton and the reality would sink in. The reality that is better than the one in my dream. It was a feeling that I still had to get used to. One of the best feelings in the world.

Sadly, this morning I was short of that feeling. Ashton was up, doing god knows what. I stretched a little but stayed in bed for a few minutes. As if on Que, Ashton hurried in and laid back down next to me.

"What were you doing?" I asked, half yawning. He turned to face me and propped himself up by his elbow.
"Just unloading the car."
"I could have helped." I said and he rolled his eyes. "I could have!"
"Okay." He said, obviously not believing himself. "We need to take the rental back."

"Okay." I nodded and got ready to sit up, but he stopped me.
"Not right now," he whined.

"Okay." I groaned. "I just wanted to go get breakfast, I'm hungry."
"I have something you could ea-" he was cut off my a pillow landing on his face.
"I'm not really that hungry anymore. It's like I've suddenly lost my appetite." He removed the pillow from his face and frowned. "Weird huh?"

"You're such a tease." He whined and shuffled closer, placing his hand on my hip and squeezing it.
"And you're horny." I huffed and pushed his hand away. He just replaced it afterwards.
"Can you really blame me?" He pouted. "Beautiful girl, next to me on my bed-" He moved his hand down my leg.

"You're romance is overwhelming." I rolled my eyes and he just squeezed my leg tighter. I yelped out as he pulled me over to him. He gently placed me on his lap and I laid down, my face buried in his neck.

"What are we doing today?" I asked as he stroked up and down my back.
"What ever you want baby."

"Why have you all of a sudden started calling me baby?" I sat up and looked at him. He shrugged and grabbed both of my hands, placing them in his hair. I started playing with it, waiting for an explanation.

"Would you prefer babe? Honey? What about kitten?" I laughed and shook my head. "Plus, baby has a nice ring to it. You're so cute and innocent-"
"I am not." I pouted and pulled my hands away. He frowned at my gesture and started squeezing the sides of my hips again.

"Okay." He groaned. "Maybe innocent wasn't the right word. What I meant was that you're hot," I raised my eyes, encouraging him to continue. "And beautiful." I shook my head, not liking that one. "Annoying," He laughed and I hit him. "But most of all, your incredibly sexy." he tried to roll his hips onto mine. I smiled and removed myself from him, but he just pulled me back.

"What?" He said. "No compliments for me? No nickname?"
"What about bruiting, gorgeous-"
"How about I do the naming in the relationship. You've never really had a knack for it." He teased and starting tracing circles on my bare skin.

"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Gus." He said simply, making me stare at the seal teddy bear Ashton had won me not to long ago that sat on my bed side table. 

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