Chapter 19 - Go skinny dipping (x)

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Dear diary, (18/01/2014)

Please try to understand.


"Ahhhh." Ashton sighs as he flops down next to me on my bed, causing me to come conscious and slowly wake up. "Charles." He says and pushes me awake.

"Go away." I murmur and snuggle further into my pillow.

"Guess what day it is?" He asks excitedly.

"Seriously Ashton, I don't care just go-"

"Guess." He insists.

"No." I huff and sit up, already too awake to be put back to sleep.

"Guess." He whines. "It's no fun if you don't guess."

"I doubt that it'll be more fun if I do." I reply, laying back down.

"Just guess." He demands in a child-like manner and pushes me again.

"What are we doing today?" I yawn.

"I said guess! Not ask." He scoffs, then smiles.

"Getting a tattoo?" I ask, trying to remember things off my bucket list that we haven't done yet.

"No." He scoffs and I turn to face him.

"Then what are we doing?"

"Guess!" He yells at me with a small smirk that I could faintly see.

"Fine!" I yell back, trying not to laugh. "Going on a road trip?"

"Nope." He replies instantly.

"Cooking something?" I inquired.


"Staying in bed all day?"

"Nooooo." He breathes out.

"I don't know, what about, um," I try to think. "I have no idea."

"Well, it involves us." He says, motioning his hand back and forth between us. "And we are doing something," He pauses, letting me absorb the hints. "Naked." He smirks.

"Yay." I say as unenthuisicasticly as I possibly could and lay back on my back.

"You mean, YAY." Ashton assumed and raised his voice when saying 'yay.' "Why aren't you excited? or surprised at me wanting to do something with you naked?"

"It's just you being you." I sighed and sat up again, getting ready to get up. "I've learnt to live with your dirty humour." I yawned and stretched my arms out.

"Oooooo 'dirty humour' huh?" Ashton asked amused.

"Yes, now can you go? I need to get ready."

"You don't need clothes, I already told you." He says as I walk towards my draws and open them, searching for something to wear today.

"You still haven't told me what we are actually doing." I yawn and pull some clothes out.

"There's only like two things on your list that require us to be naked." He says. "But only one that I would do... With you."

"Oh god." I say as I soon understand what he means. "Listen Ashton, I don't wanna hurt your feelings or anything, but I don't think I can sleep with y-" I was lying, I totally would.

"God! no Charles!" He tells and shakes his head. "I meant skinny dipping for gods sake. I thought the whole 'only naked thing I'd do with you' would spell it out." He chuckled somewhat awkwardly.

"Right." I say and nod, kind of embarrassed that I had assumed the other thing.

"No need to worry though Charles. We'll get to that one eventually." He winks and walks out of my room. "We leave at dust." He yells from outside my room. At least it'd be dark.

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