Chapter 20 - Sleep under the stars (x)

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Dear diary, (19/01/2014)

Everything is temporary.


I spent last night literally following a trail of my clothes home. Every couple of meters, he'd leave an item of clothing. Luckily, by the time I got home, I was fully clothed. Drenched, but fully clothed. After I had showered and crawled into bed, the very much asleep Ashton moulded against my body and I fell asleep almost instantly. He was annoying and I was pissed off, but he was also really cute when he was asleep so I decided to leave the yelling for the morning.

When I woke up, I turned over to face Ashton and he was there staring at me. I started to smile until the thoughts of last night resistered in my head. I gave him the finger and rolled back over.

"Oh come on Charles," He whined but I pretended that I didn't hear. "Charless." He said and pulled me to face him. He then moved so that he was hovering on top of me, his elbows carrying his weight.

"Don't be mad." He pouted.

"Get off." I insisted and tried to push him away, but of course he didn't budge.

"No." He grinned and pinned me down.

"Ashton, seriously."

"Charles, seriously." He teased.

"Get off me."

"Not until you forgive me." He whined.

"I forgive you. Now get up." I groaned and further tried to free myself.

"You're lying." He protested with an even bigger smile on his face.

"Holy shit, just get off-"

"No." He argued back.


"At least admit that it was funny, because it so was."

"Yeah." I nodded. "You're hilarious." I rolled my eyes.

"Charles, I don't like it when you're angry at me."

"Then stop doing annoying shit! I walked through town last night naked for gods sake."

"Actually." He cleared his throat. "I left you your clothes."

"Yeah." I agreed. "Thanks for that one, leaving my top till last. Such a gentleman."

"Charles." He lowered his face so that it was right above mine. His lips were close as shit and I could feel his breath. He bit his lip in frustration and groaned before talking.

"Please don't make me beg." He was doing the sexy thing on purpose, I knew he was.

"Okay." I said in annoyance but quietly, not wanting to breath on him. I'd have morning breath for sure.

"Okay?" he asked again, making sure that I was sure.

"Okay." I said again, waiting for him to get off.


"Who are you? Augustus Waters? Get the fuck up." I said and forcefully pushed him off me. He rolled off me, and chuckled as I left my room.


It wasn't until the sun went down that I noticed Ashton doing something weird. He walked down the hall and slid open my cupboard that held all my extra towels, tea towels and blankets. He grabbed a fare few blankets and walked outside, then back again.

He was probably packing for a road trip that we would take tomorrow, a road trip that he would fail to inform me about until the very last second. I decided to let it go, I was used to him doing weird shit. It wasn't until he walked into my room and grabbed my clean, white, fluffy pillows and proceeded to take them outside did I try to stop him.

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