Chapter 31 - Have a one night stand (x)

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[warning fellow readers, maybe some dirt, but not a lot. Maybe with someone you don't want it to be with so I apologise for the characters dumb behaviour in advance]

Dear diary, (01/02/2014)

We were nothing but two people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Sleep was difficult to come by last night. Thankfully, Ashton backed off and didn't return to the apartment even though a small part of me desperately wanted him to. I wanted him to burst into my room, declare the fact that he acted like a flaming imbecile, cuddle me and promise to let her go. Obviously my imagination was overly Utopian.

It was nearly lunchtime by the time I woke up and stumbled into the kitchen for some cereal only to find that there was none left. I had barely any food left to be honest. Even though shopping and groceries was the least of my worries, it would be a good excuse to get out of the house. That's what I wanted to do the whole day, avoid home in hopes of avoiding him. He had to return, he had no where else to go.

I stayed in Ashtons jumper upon arriving at the shops. I had manged to squeeze on some jeans and do my hair. I didn't need many things, just some cereal and munchie food.

Once I had collected my preferred cereal, I found the chip aisle and started walking down it. A certain bag caught my eye and I couldn't resist but to buy a bag or so out of habit and hope. I found a register once down and loaded the special K and Cheetos on before paying and walking home.

I decided to take the longer way from the shopping center and felt a small sense of dejavu when I walked past the street in which the restaurant I used to work at was on.


One of the only people I had trusted in the past and I had barley seen him at all this month. A small visit couldn't hurt? On the way to the restaurant I couldn't help but congratulate myself on how occupied I was managing to keep myself. If Ashton were to leave, A could perhaps get my old job back and work for a distraction. My savings account wasn't looking too full anyway.

Thankfully unlike every other time I had visited this god forsaken place, Brian was there. He was walking around the near empty place. I walked in and waited at the reception like any regular customer. He spotted me instantly and walked over, hugging me as soon as he could reach.

"I thought you'd dropped dead." He joked. Oh the irony. "I was wondering where you've been."

"Busy." I answered as he pulled away. I looked around and saw a couple sitting my the window and Denise sitting down at the other end of the area.

"Unlike us." He gestured around him. "I'm going for lunch now, you're coming to." He said before walking off into the kitchen. I was kind of hungry. I walked over to where the kitchen was located and the counter where the ready meals were placed for waiters to collect when I spotted Tommy.

"Charlie." He said and walked over. I gave him a small smile and he seemed to notice my hint of hostility.

"You alright?" His eyes darted around my face, landing on each feature before settling on my eyes. He was checking, and it was an unexpected but needed gesture.

"Yeah." I swallowed and nodded.

"If you need anything, I'm here-"

"Oh piss off Tommy." Brian said as he walked out of the kitchen doors holding two plates. "You haven't gotten any the past few years, I don't think you'll be getting any anytime soon."

"Uncle, I wasn't-" He tried to defend himself.

"Sure you weren't." Brian rolled his eyes before motioning with his head for me to follow him. I gave Tommy a hopeful smile and went to turn around to leave, but stopped myself.

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