Chapter 15 - Be in two places at once (x)

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Dear diary, (14/01/2014)

It constantly feels like I'm drowning, except I can see everyone around me breathing.


"Get ready Charles, today, we drive." Ashton said as he walked into my room, waking me up.

"What?" I stirred and rubbed my eyes.

"Hurry up, I ordered us a car so hurry." He said as he placed something on my bedside table and walked out of my room.

Once I was awake enough to open my eyes, I reached for the visible coffee cup, drank some and got up. Perhaps we were going on a road trip? I had a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothing, then proceeded to pack some clothes, just in case. As I finished up getting ready, I heard my front door open and close.

I walked out into my empty apartment, stopping at the kitchen to get some water and food. I figured Ashton was ready and out there, so I locked up and walked out side.

"Tada!" He yelled form the end of the driveway. Ashton was standing in front of a tiny car, with his arms open wide.

"A car." I said and walked past him, getting ready to get into the drivers seat.

"Oh, no you don't Charles." He said. "I'm driving."

"Pfft. Since when?" I hated driving in general, unless I was the driver, who had something to focus on.

"Since you don't know where we're going."

"Because you refuse to tell me shit!" He then lifted me up slightly and moved me out of his way. I rolled my eyes and got into the passenger seat, throwing my bag in the back seat once I entered.

Ashton started the car and drove down the street. "Any musical requests?" He asked and I shook my head. He played around with the radio which only had around three stations on it. A classical music one, a comedy one and top 40. Since it wasn't to either of our liking's, we figured we could go without music.

We drove for a couple of minutes in silence and my head was swirling with questions that I longed to ask him. It was obvious that he wouldn't answer them, but it didn't keep me from being overly-curious.

Why did he want to jump?

What was with his mood swings?

Why did he move here from Australia?

Why was he homeless?

Who paid for the car rental?

"Go on." Ashton said out of the blue, looking at me before turning his focus back onto the road.

"Go on what?"

"Just say it. Or ask it. You reek of curiosity."

"You won't tell me what I want to know." I argue. I've asked him before.

"I will when I'm ready." he mocked back.

"And when will that be?"

"If you keep on being nosey and keep nagging, probably never." He shoots back.

"Sorry, I just, thought we were friends." I shrugged.

"We are." He chuckled. "We have a really good thing going here, I don't wanna stuff it up by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I wanna wait for the right time."

"Oh." I blushed and he laughed.

"Anything else you wanna know, that's less personal?"

"Yea." I nodded. "Who paid for the car rental?" He laughed again.

"I did." He smiled.

"With what money?"

"My money."

"Sure." I said and he didn't argue back. I wasn't exactly sure if he did have money or not. I guess that was just any mystery added onto the never ending list of mystery's about Ashton Irwin.

"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you Charles. It's the coolest thing, and I thought of it all by myself." He smiled. He had a nice smile. A really, really nice smile.

"I'm sure you did." I nodded and looked out the window.

"You can sleep you know. We won't be there for a couple of hours."

"Okay?" I layed my seat back and got comfortable.

I was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard a noise. A humming noise.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I said to myself as I opened one eye and peered up at him. He was humming the tune he always hummed. I couldn't recognize it, due to the fact that he was shit a humming.

He smiled down at me as if he knew that he was pissing me off.

"I'll reach across and crash the car." I threaten, but he just continues to hum louder.

"And put your life at risk?" He mocked.

"If it'll stop you from humming, then yes."

"Haven't we been down this road before? I swear I'm having dejuvu." he laughed and so did I.

"Ash, please."

"Okay." He said and thankfully stopped humming.


"Charles." Ashton said as he shook me awake. I made an awkward grunting noise as I sat up and cracked my back.

"How long have we been driving?"

"Only two hours, but we're here." He smiled as he opened his car down, and getting out, racing over to mine. I was confused. We had stopped on the side of a road and nothing could be seen except trees, a big old sign, and more road.

He opened my door for me and led me over to the big sign that read 'Welcome to Atlantic City.'

I slowly pieced the pieces together and realized what he was doing as he moved my feet to different spots on the ground.

"This is off of a movie you dick!" I said and nudged him. "You didn't think of this!" To think that he tried to take credit from dear old Nicholas Sparks.

He pushed me back and ordered me to put my feet where he had specifically placed them.

"Smart idea though." I smiled and he smiled back.

He then stood in front of me, holding my shoulders to steady himself.

"We did it Charles. We're in two places at once."

(Sorry, this was short but there are multiple updates on the way)

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