Chapter 14 - Play extreme truth or dare (x)

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Dear diary,(13/01/2014)

My thoughts were so loud, I couldn't hear my mouth.


I couldn't move. My head was continuously pounding and Ashtons profoundly muscular arm that was draped over my torso wasn't helping.

"Pssst." I said. My sad attempt at trying to wake him. I couldn't move my body, it hurt far too much.

"Oi." I whistled and he groaned, wrapping his arm fully around my body, squeezing me tighter. I was going to puke. I could feel it coming. "Ash, I'm going to puke." I whispered and he let go almost immediately.

I swallowed hard as I tried to get out of bed, not wanting to throw up before I got to the bathroom. My loud wincing made it evident to Ashton that I needed help getting up, and he was by my side within seconds. He walked me to the bathroom, with one hand securely fastened on my waist. He slowly lowered me to my knees as I lifted up the toilet cover and threw up.

He held my mess of a ponytail and the rest of it that fell out during sleep last night, in one hand and rested the other on the rim of the lifted up toilet cover. "You know what?" He yawned. I couldn't respond or question him. I was too busy puking.

"I've seen you vomit more times in the last 24 hours that I have seen myself vomit in my whole life. How does one even produce that much up chuck?" At the mention of vomit, I puke some more. This continued for a few more minutes until my stomach was completely empty and I had come to the conclusion that I would sleep for the rest of the day.

"Here." Ashton said as he handed me two pills from my bathroom cabinet and the toothbrush holder/cup thing full of water. I grabbed them from him after standing and gulped down both the pills and the mint flavoured water.

"So, breakfast?" He asked and I shook my head. "No? Not even some bacon? Scrambled eggs?" He smiled. If my stomach hadn't been empty, I would have vomited some more.

"Bed." I said and pushed past him, falling onto my soft doona.

"What about your list? I was thinking a little extreme truth or dare? Maybe some shop lifting?"

"Later." I mumbled into my pillow and waved him off. Right now, I needed sleep.


"So now that you're awake," Ashton said as I entered the kitchen around six in the afternoon, fully showered and fresh. "You can see the pictures from last night."

"You're joking?"

He shook his head as I walked over and stood next to him as he held up my phone so that we both had a clear view of it. He clicked on my camera roll, that I knew for a fact was empty due to my lack of love and interest for photos and taking them in general. After swiping past a few selfies of himself, he finally reached the ones from last night.

The first picture was one of me that Ashton had obviously taken. I was on the dance floor, and even though it was a blurry shit picture thanks to my shit camera, you could tell I was dancing like a dickhead. After a couple more of my dancing pictures we came across some selfies that I had taken with the bride and Ashton himself. My faces were horrible in all of them, but Ashton's weren't.

There were two that were not only my favourites, but the best quality ones as well. My first favourite was one of me and Ashton. I was staring at the camera, clearly laughing my ass off, as Ashton was looking at me. A small dimpled smile was shown on the side that was facing the camera, and I couldn't help feel a little angry when he purposely swiped past it faster than the rest, as if he were embarrassed of it.

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