Chapter 23 - Get into a fist fight (x)

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Dear diary, (22/01/2014)

I know he cares. He has to.


"Do you think Denise is too big for me to beat up?" I asked Ashton who was sitting in the bathroom, talking to me as I showered.

"Denise?" He shouted back.

"Yeah, the girl that works at the restaurant. She was kind of rude and I'm pretty sure she spat in people's food."

"Why don't you just punch Tommy instead?' He suggested and handed me a towel as I turned the shower off.

"Get real." I wrapped the towel around myself before stepping out.

"Or better yet," He paused and followed me into my bed room. "I could just do it."

"Very funny." I laughed and sorted through my draws to find clothes.

"I'm serious. I don't want you getting in a fist fight, you're too," He paused again. "You."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just mean that you shouldn't need to hurt yourself, if you have me."


"I'l fight for you. Considering that we are doing the list togther, it counts." He crosssed his arms as if the gesture would make his argument more argeeable.

"But you'll just go and start a fight that you won't be able to finish." I sighed and copied his actions.

"First you second guess my cooking skills, now you're underminding my ability to whoop ass," He said annoyed but with a playful tone.

"It's just that," I began and walked back to the bathroom once I had found clothes. "Tommy used to do boxing." I shut the bathroom door and began undressing.

"He so did not." I heard from the other side.

"Uh huh," I nodded to myself. "Karate as well." I slipped on my last bit of clothing and walked out of the steam filled room.

"I know what you're doing," He shook his head. "You're trying to scare me into not fighting him."

"I just don't want you getting hurt."

"And I don't want you to get hurt either."

"Better me than you." My mouth blurted and Ashton grinned.

"I was going to say that."

"Do you even have a plan?" I asked and walked out of my room.

"Boy do I." I could hear the smile in his voice as he followed me into the kitchen. Thankfully, all if the mess created while cooking was cleaned up, and the kitchen was almost spotless.

"Tea?" I asked as I grabbed myself a mug from the pantry. I waited for him to nod, then grabbed him a cup also. I turned the full kettle on to boil and wait to hear his brilliant plan.

"Well, let's hear the plan." I put a tea bag in each mug followed by two sugars.

"Okay." He pushes himself on top of the counter and sits on it. "You know how Tommy's a drunk?"

"He's not a drunk." I cross my arms.

"Well, every time I go to the bar he seems to be there." He argued before he went back to his plan. "Anyway, I was thinking that the fight could be kind of staged,"

"You mean you want to set him up?" The kettle finished boiling and I distributed the hot water into our two cups.

"Kind of, I want to play the seemingly hot jealous boyfriend." He said as he watched me grab the milk from the fridge.

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