Chapter 26 - Spend a whole day in bed (x)

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Dear diary, (26/01/2014)

He acts like nothings changed, but it has. It fucking has.


Ashton continues to act as if nothings changed, and I don't know whether to thank him or hate him for it. I can tell he feels a bit weird about night and I really wish he wouldn't. I should be the embarrassed one, I was the one who got rejected, I was the one who was acting like an asshole and I was the one who fell in love and got their heart broken in the span of like, thirty minutes.

I was too angry last night to drink water, and kind of too scared to walk past the lounge room and into the kitchen. Instead of sleeping in my bed beside me like he usually does, he thought it best to spend last night on the couch. Without warning.

This morning I needed him more than ever, and he wasn't here. Whenever I got hungover he always found a way to make me feel better, he made me breakfast and chilled with me until I felt better. But today I was scared that he wouldn't. Because he apparently didn't care.

I decided that today would be the day I spent it in bed. I was hoping to spend this one with Ashton, but I guess being alone right now would be the best thing. Apart from going to the bathroom, I would spend the entire day in here.

I flicked through movies and decided to go with Burlesque, since I needed cheering up and I thought Cam Gigandet was most qualified for the job. I got up to the part where she just entered the club for the first time when the sudden jolt of hunger came pulsing through my body. So I did the only thing I could think of.


To Ashely:

Could you bring me food

And some aspirin

To Charles:

What food do you want?

To Ashely:


To Charles:

Ok, b right in.


Ashton knocked on my door a few minutes later. After granting him verbal access he walked in with what appeared to be my aspirin that I had asked for, water and a packet of Cheetos.

"I meant real food."  Was the first thing I said as he sat the cup of water on my bedside table and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"This is real food." He defended and handed me to two pills. I put them in my mouth and picked up the cup of water. I quickly swallowed them and used the water to help them down. I hesitantly grabbed the packet of Cheetos from his lap after putting my glass of water back.

I pulled open the packet and immediately got a whiff of cheese. I pulled out a few and ate them, pulling the packet further away from Ashton as he tried to reach for some.

"Hey," He chuckled lightly. I still didn't want to talk to him, not until he admitted how we both knew he felt. After we clarified the fact the I'm not Megan last night, I stood up and left. I walked home by myself, as did he. I continued to eat the Cheetos, just as he continued to stare at me.

He occasionally looked to the screen and his face showed obvious signs of disinterest. I could tell he kept on trying to watch it as a some sort of non awkward distraction. When my cravings were soon sickened by the taste of cheese, I handed Ashton the packet to which he took, but didn't make an attempt to eat any.

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