Chapter 21 - Carve something cliche into a tree (x)

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Dear diary, (20/01/2014)

Ashton's smile, makes me smile.


"Hey Charles." A hand attempted to nudge me awake. "Charles." He said, so I groaned and rolled over to face him. I slowly opened my eyes, and once they focused I saw Ashton laying over the covers with his head propped up with one arm. He was also wearing jeans, a band shirt and shoes.

"Mmh." I said keeping my mouth closed. God remembers what happened last time I spoke this close to him this early in the morning.

"Guess what I got." He said with his eyebrows raised. I frowned at him, not wanting to ask.

"C'mon guess." He nagged but I just shook my head. "Charles." He pouted.

"Fine." He said after a few seconds. He pushed his hand into his back pocket and searched around for something. He pulled out the black rectangle and held it up to my face to see.

"You, got a phone?" I asked and he nodded proudly. "With what money?"

"With my money." He groaned.

I took the object in my hand and pressed the circle button. It was a newer version of my old piece of crap phone.

The screen lit up and a photo from the night of the wedding appeared to be the lock screen. The photo of me looking at the camera and Ashton smiling at me. I smiled at the picture and handed him back the phone.

"That's great." I yawned and rolled back over. It was barely 9.

"Charles." His voice said again. "I need a tree."

"A tree?"

"A tree."

"Why do you need a tree?" I huffed. He was very blunt and non specific when talking to me.

"So we can carve into it." He said, and I was pretty sure he was going to 'duh' to finish off his sentence.

"Carve something cliche into a tree." I said and nodded. "There are trees out the front."

"I was thinking more around town," he said. "Say perhaps near Tommy's house."

"Ashton." I hit him with my elbow.

"I'm just saying. He doesn't seem to get it."

"Just do it anywhere." I said and rolled back over to face him.

"But it needs to be somewhere special, otherwise it'll just be words on a tree."

"It'll be that anyway." I said to him and his mouth dropped as if I had just insulted him.

"Take it back." He said, but I ignored him and tried to roll back over. "Charles." He whined and pulled my shoulders back. Before I knew it, he had jumped on top of me and I knew he was prepared to stay there until I did as he asked.


"Charles." He said and lowered his face to mine. I was sure to keep my mouth shut.

"Charles." He said again as his face and mouth got closer, his lips were practically on top of mine.

I shook my head and tried to say no under my closed mouth. He just smiled and lowered his lips. My head shook faster, and before I knew it, his lips were placed gently on mine.

"I don't care." He said but I still kept my mouth closed. "Charles." He said .again and tried to open my mouth with his. After a few seconds of him trying, he lifted his head over mine, finally giving me space.

"Ash-" I started to say, but at the sight of my mouth opening Ashton had instantly went back. He kissed me, and held me there when I tried to pull away. Unlike my mouth, his was minty. He kissed me a little more before pulling away.

"You're gross." I poked my tongue out at him and sat up as he stood.

"No Charles, I just really, really, wanted to kiss you."

"You're still gross."

"And I will totally kiss you again." He threatened so I kept my mouth closed.

After he left my room I attempted at going back to sleep. Just as I began to doze off, I heard a loud yell from outside. I already knew it was Ashton by the girly sound of the persons voice.

Following the yell was the opening and closing of the front door.

I unwillingly left my bed and set off to find the obviously wounded boy. When I reached the kitchen I saw Ashton reaching into the top pantry, searching for my box of first aid stuff. His left has had a tea towel bound around it, being held in place by the intensity of his squeeze.

"You right?" I asked him as he found the clear box. He strategically grabbed the lidless container with one hand and moved it to the bench. He stared at the box for a few seconds, obviously not knowing what he needed. I reluctantly reached for his covered up hand and made him open it.

I removed the tea towel that was partially soaked in his blood, and tossed it in the sink. He had somehow managed to cut a big slice down his palm about a centimetre and half right from where his large thumb ended.

He sighed and looked up at me.

"How the hell did you manage that?"

Instead of answering me, he nodded towards the edge of the sink. Laying flatly on its side was a small but sharp kitchen knife.

"Ashton." I said and he pouted down at me.

"Kiss it better." He whined.

"What is with you and kissing?"

"What can I say?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I have a problem." He moved closer, quite obviously trying to attack me with his lips.

I swatted him away, so he placed a soft kiss on my shoulder instead.

I searched through the box for some disinfectant and a bandage. After he was all cleaned up, he grabbed my hand and led me outside. Near the front fence stood a fairly large tree, and on the tree, on a clear removal of bark, were a couple of names.

"Viola." he smiled.

As I walked closer the words became more clear and easier to read.





It read, and there was a big line that slashed downward where the second heart had ended, clearly showing where he had slipped.

"See." He said as he grabbed my hand and led it to the tree. "Took me bloody ages." I felt each deep letter carefully.

"We kissed just over here, and you threw up just over there." He pointed out.

"Romantic." I scoffed.

"I know." He smiled.

I picked up a stick from the ground, wanting to add a little adjustment. Once I was finished Ashton complained that I had ruined his masterpiece, but I explained that fair is fair.

Even though we both knew it was nothing permanent, it was somehow ours. And at least for a couple months we could have our names carved somewhere cliche for a little while.





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