Chapter 13 - Crash a wedding (x)

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Dear diary, (12/01/2014)

Sometimes I'm sad and tired and miserable for no reason at all.


"I really don't give a shit." Ashton groaned as we walked towards the mall.

"If we're going to crash a wedding, we need to look the part." I explained to him, over and over.

"It's not my wedding." He scoffed.

"Even if it was your wedding, I'm pretty sure you'd still dress like you were homeless."

"Yea, yea." He waved me off with his hand. "But no tux."

"I suppose I'll be paying?"

"If you want me to go, then yes." He smiled widely, as we reached the mall. "So, where first?"

"Don't ask me." I defended. I barely ever shopped for food, let alone clothes. As we walked inside the same mall we played hide and seek in, I immediately began searching for stores.

"How about that one?" Ashton suggested as he pointed out a large dress store across from us.

I just shrugged and followed after him. The shop was big and colourful. Some of the dresses inside the store, weren't the most appetizing colours, but then again, what did I know about fashion? I continued to follow Ashton through the store as he looked like he had a much bigger clue about this shit than I did.

"Try this one, this one and this one." He declared as he pulled three different coloured dress from three different racks. He shoved them onto me and pulled me towards the direction that I assume that the changing rooms would be in.

"Come on." He nagged as I stopped a few times to see if there was anything that I actually wanted to try on. We reached the changing rooms soon enough, and when we did I was immediately shoved into the nearest stall.

"Ashton man, you need to calm down."

"I don't want my date looking like shit." He scoffed, causing me to smile. "Besides, you obviously don't know shit about clothes so," and my smile was gone.

"What makes you say that?" I asked while I got undressed.

"Well for starters, you wear the same shit nearly everyday."

"Says the one living out of a rucksack." I laughed while sliding into the first dress. This dress was a bluey color, with thick straps, and it came down to my knees. Luckily, Ashton picked out the right sizes.

"I'm not really feeling this one." I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Right after I spoke, Ashton came barging in. He sussed me out for a few seconds before turning me back to face the mirror. He positioned himself behind me while he spoke.

"You're right. It just isn't doing anything." He said flatly while his hands hovered just above my chest area.

"Piss off." I spat and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Next." He stated and tossed me the other dress. This one was white, low cut and a bit longer than the last one. After he had walked out, I pulled the curtain across and began to put it on. I didn't like this one, and I certainly did not have the boobs to pull it off. Instead of waiting for Ashton to barge in, I walked out first.

"Yes!" He smiled and clapped. "I like it very much!"

"But it's white." I explained. "You can't where white to a wedding, the brides supposed to do that.

"Like I said, it's not our wedding." He insisted. I tried to ignore how he said 'ours'.

"Don't you think it'd be a bit disrespectful," I asked, but he just raised his eyebrows as if reminding me that he didn't give a shit about anyone, and he'd be a disrespectful ass to a stranger if he had the chance. "Right. You don't care." I swallowed. "But lucky for the bride, I do. So no dress." I sighed and walked back into the changing room.

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