Chapter 6 - Try a food i can't pronounce (x)

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Dear diary,(05/01/2014)



"How about sweet and sour pork?" Ashton asks over the Chinese menu he was holding.

"No. You can pronounce that." I reply, scanning through the menu for something that I couldn't read.

"The beef satay looks pretty good." He suggests with a nagging tone.

"Ashton." I shake my head at him. "It shouldn't be this hard."

"I don't even think any one that works here is even Chinese. We should just bail-" He begins to say just as a waiter approaches our table. The waiter was clearly Chinese, so Ashton made a filed attempt at silencing himself and trying to look busy, reading the menu.

"What the fuck is ex-a-long-bay-ow?" Ashton whispered to me while reading his menu.

"It's shao-long-bao." The American-accented waiter replied. (Shao and bao rhyming with cow).

"Which is?" Questioned Ashton in an impatient tone.

"Soup filled dumplings." Said the waiter in a fed up voice. As soon as the waiter did reply, Ashton slammed his menu down.

"We'll take it."

The clearly annoyed waiter with a name tag reading 'Jeff" made no attempt at seeing if I wanted the same thing, but instead grabbed both of our menus and slowly walked towards the back of the restaurant.

"Shao-long-bao my asshole. What a dick." Ashton scoffed in the direction the waiter walked off in.

"He'll spit in the dumplings, I bet. Did you see the look on his face? Mr 'I'm not even Asian but I can read a fancy name for dumplings.'" He continued to whine.

"They're just dumplings, calm down." I say as I attempt to 'sh' him.

"See this is why I don't hang out with people. Or Asians." He crossed his arms over his body as he spoke.

"You're so weird." I laughed at him.

"Says you." He scoffs, staring off into the distance, probably waiting for the waiter to return.

"Soo..." I drag out, still not knowing how to continue a conversation with him.

"Soo.." He retorts tilting his head alongside his words while smiling at me.

"So, tell me about yourself?" I said more as an unsure question.

"Tell me your last name first." He insisted while he interlocked both of his and placed them on top of the table in front of him.

"No, no thanks."

"Well then don't except me to just open up to a complete stranger then." He stated and raised his eyebrows for a split second in a challenging manner.

"A stranger that you live with."

"I'm still not gonna do it. That shit's personal, sorry." He shook his head in a joking manner.

"What, you're not going even going to tell me your favourite colour? favourite food? Favourite band? How about your celebrity crush?" I question, trying to get all of the thoughts in my head out at once.

"Ohh, you mean the non important, completely irrelevant stuff." He declared.

"Exactly." I replied, even though I thought the answers would be helpful in trying to understand him and his character.

"Well then." He smiled and cleared his throat.

"Red, Spaghetti and pineapple, Coldplay and John Mayer. And you?"

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