Chapter 16 - Get stuck in an elevator (x)

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Dear diary, (15/01/2014)

Things are starting to change.


"I'm pushing the trolley." Ashton insisted, being completely serious as we walked into the mall car park, not too far from my apartment.

"We don't need a trolley." I told him, for what felt like the thousandth time. We only needed a couple of things. We walked up to the elevator and pressed it, waiting for it to stop and open.

After a couple of people exited, we pressed to the second floor out of the three and were lifted up off of the ground floor once the doors had shut.

"You know," Ashton began. "There's a stop button over there." He pointed to the big red button.

"No." I snapped. We weren't pausing and playing the fucking elevator while people waited on the top floor with bags and trolleys of shopping.

"I'm just saying." He mumbled. "Perfect opportunity."

The doors opened and I immediately headed for the grocery store. I didn't want to mess around and window shop all day. I had to stop a few time sand literally pull and drag Ashton along as he stared mindlessly at girls and video games.

He grabbed a trolley after I specifically told him not to and slide off into the store, leaving me to do nothing but follow behind him.

"List." I said and he reached into his back pocket and pulled it out. I read over the twelve items, not including the stupid shit Ashton had written on the bottom of the list, and went off to find them.





Tomato sauce


Shaving cream


Shampoo & Conditioner

Toilet paper



Jelly babies


Tator tots

Cheese, lots of cheese

I first set out and get two cartons of milk and place them in the trolley that already had the four items that Ashton had written in there. I then found the toiletry aisle and put all of the stuff on the list into the trolley as well.

"We don't need these." I said and picked up the three bags of Cheetos.

"I don't need these." Ashotn mocked as he picked up the box of tampons.

"Very funny." I laugh and snatch them off him.

I then got the sauce and the mayonnaise, then the spaghetti, coffee and sugar. After fighting with Ashton about needing two large blocks of cheese and loosing, we line up behind an old lady at a register.

Both me and Ashton load things onto the conveyor belt, and when we're done, Ashton offers to take the trolley back.

"You guys look like such a lovely couple." The old lady in front of us who is getting her items bag says to me.

It takes me a couple of seconds to register what she's said before I come up with a functional answer.

"Aren't we?" A voice says as someones arms wrap around my waist. Both the lady and cashier stare in awe and smile.

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