Chapter 32 - Don't talk for an entire day (x)

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Dear diary, (02/02/2014)

Pain makes people change.


The fact that Ashton had stayed last night settled my nerves and let me have a good nights sleep. I would have much preferred my bed, but i'd take what I could get. My sleep was somewhat peaceful, apart from the fact that I awoke a few hours after I had fallen asleep to check to see if Ashton was still in fact here. There he lay, sound asleep sprawled across my bed. Sleep was easy to come by after that. That was until a loud banging at the door woke me in the morning.

I stirred awake before my eyes snapped open. It wasn't because the banging had increased or seized, but more so the fact that I heard the door be unlocked and opened.

I peered my head over the couch just as a fast body pushed past a sleepy Ashton at the door. I stood up immediately, my sleep still thick in my eyes as an angry looking Tommy made his way over to me.

"You!" He yelled, he looked and sounded more hurt than angry. He had his leather jacket on as he sped over.

I started panicking and saw Ashton close the door before turning to us, confused. Tommy ignored him and was fixated on me for the time being.

"I woke up and you were gone! Who does that? You snuck out this morning while I was asleep?" I tried not to look at Ashton, but the looked of confusion now hit with realization beamed across the room like lightning.

I didn't want to speak- I couldn't. Even though this was shit timing, I wanted everything crossed off my list before my birthday. So like it or not, I'm not talking.

I looked between them both, Tommy's eyes on me and Ashton's on the ground in front of him. I shrugged. That's it.

"Who are you?" Tommy asked and I could have sworn that it was Ashton who had asked. I would assume that he'd be the one to ask that question.

All I could do was shrug. No other gesture summed up my feelings. I looked to Ashton who thankfully seemed to catch onto why I was replying so vaguely. I really wished he wasn't in the room, but Tommy didn't even seem to notice his presence.

"You cant be serious!" Tommy lowered his voice. "You know how I feel about you, I told you only a few hours ago!" Ashton was stood still a few meters in front of me. He still hadn't looked up from the ground.

As much as I wanted to reject Tommy right in front of him, it wasn't right. So I took Tommy's arm in mine and dragged him outside, slamming the door shut behind us. I threw his arm back at him.

I ran my hands over my messy bed hair before mouthing a 'sorry'. Truth was, I wasn't really all that sorry. Well, I felt more sorry for him than for the situation I prevailed upon him.

"You used me for sex?" Tommy declared. "To what? Get back at him?" He pointed to the door. "To make him jealous? Teach him a lesson?" I'm pretty sure he didn't really pick up on my not talking, that he pushed it to be a whisper that he failed to hear.

"Spur of the moment.' I mouthed and tried to ease the tension and more or so defend myself.

"Spur of the moment? You mean the whole half an hour it took for me to drive you back to mine and ask you to talk?" He seemed to read my lips perfectly and didn't really give a shit about me not speaking.

I knew more questions were to come so I fetched the phone from my back pocket and opened up the notes app.

I quickly typed.

I'm sorry, but i don't want that with you.

"A relationship?" He chewed at his bottom lip. I shook my head.

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