Chapter 8 - Play hide and seek in a mall (x)

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Dear diary, (07/01/2014)

Am I a bad person for wanting to die?


"What if you don't find me?" I ask Ashton as we entered the shopping mall.

"Then I guess you're fucked." He laughed. "Besides you have to do the finding as well." He stated as we walked further into the mall.

"Well it's 4 now and the mall closes at 8. I'd say we have enough time."

"Eh, I don't know. I mean, I'm pretty good at hide and seek." Ashton teased.

"Sure you are." I rolled my eyes. "But you have to promise to stay in the mall."

"I promise." He huffed and held up his pinky. I shook it and began preparing myself.

"I'll go first then. You go into that toy store over there," I insisted as I pointed to a random kid store to our right. "And count down from like 100 or something then come out and look for me."

"If you say so." He mocked and made his was into the store.

I immediately sped off into the opposite direction, passing many shops on my way. I needed to find a good place to hide, but I didn't have that much time and this mall wasn't all that big. It was as if I could hear Ashton's voice in my head counting down, and in my head he had already reached 10.






5" I whisper to myself and search for a place, any place. Sadly, the only things that came into view were the restrooms. I ran towards them but stopped when I reached the doors. Which would i chose?

The girls, or the dudes?

I then for some reason, entered the girls, thinking that he wouldn't look for me in there. There were too many girls outside and I doubt he would enter with them all watching him.

I sighed when I entered and walked over to an open cubicle then proceeded to sit on the closed toilet lid, shutting the toilet door and locking it just in case.

I sat down and checked out the graffiti covered walls. There were drawings amongst quotes, song lyrics and even threats. Geeeze.

'Believing won't get you anywhere'

'Live, Love ,Laugh'


'Hope is fucking useless'

'Michelle Davies is a whore'

'Down where the city meets the sea (:'

'Don't fuck with my love'

'Give hugs not drugs'

'If you're reading this, then you suck'

'Jessie M can kiss my ballsack'

'Johnny Depp PLEASE kiss my ballsack'

Were some of the sentences written on the walls, alongside lots of drawings and scribbles. I reached into my bag to see if I had a pen, and to my delight I did. I pulled the lid off of the marker, the strong smell hitting my nostrils soon after, and began drawing. I didn't draw anything fantastic, some sort of fish, a stick figure with boobs and the deathly hallows sign. I wrote a couple of song lyrics and then wrote one meaningful thing, something I hoped I could come back to and remember the memory as clearly as I would a day from now.

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