Chapter 24 - Go on a real date/go to a carnival/get over a fear (x)

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Dear diary, (24/01/2014)

I don't know if I should take Ashton so litterally on what he says. What if it's all just one big misconception?


"Charlie!" I heard Ashton yell from my bedroom. "Charlie!" I heard him yell again and run into the kitchen where I was sitting on the bench, waiting for my toast to be cooked. I heard him sigh in relief as he walked closer.

"Charles," he said softly and surprisingly planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Sorry, I thought you were gone."

The thought was nice, but totally understandable. He was usually the one waking me up, he always got up before me. His face looked a lot better than it did two days ago. The swelling had gone down, bruises took its place, and the cut on his lip had started healing.

"How are you feeling?" I slid off the bench and got ready to for my toast to pop up.

"Better." He smiled at me and scratched his head. His hair had grown a profound amount since I had first met him, and with the bruises covering some of his face, you could easily pin him for a completely different person. The sound of the toaster made me go to the pantry and grab out some peanut butter. Ashton had grabbed my toast out and placed it on my plate, ready for me.

"Did you sleep well?" I opened the jar of peanut butter and held it up to see if there was even any left. Barely.

"Yeah, considering." He shrugged and I tired my best to scrap out any left over peanut butter. This should have lasted a lot longer, but Ashton had a craving for peanuts whenever he watched Will Smith movies.

"Why's that?"

"My dream was so bad." He shook his head as I spread the peanut butter on my toast.


"Yeah." He failed to elaborate.

"Well what happened?" I screwed the lid back on and placed it back in the pantry, giving him some time. The last thing I'd want was for me to pressure him into telling me a dream about his dead ex girlfriend.

"It's stupid," he shook his head again and I held the knife up to my mouth and licked one side. He screwed his face up and grabbed it from me.

"Give it here." He licked the other side and gave it back to me to put in the sink.

"You don't have to tell me." I said and grabbed my plate of toast. I walked into the lounge room and sat down on the couch, he followed. He looked kind of funny, in jeans and no shirt.

"No, I will." He said and sat down beside me. "It was so weird," he chuckled nervously and I took a bite of my toast. I offered him a bite, but he shook it away and continued. "We were driving in a car," I already knew where this was going. "And we were arguing about something stupid, and then I woke up like just as we were about to, you know. And you weren't there when I woke up, I got worried, like you, you know."

My face showed barley any emotion, so he took the piece of toast out of my hand and quickly took a bite, trying to avoid the awkward eye contact. "I told you it was stupid." He said as he chewed.

"No." I shook my head. "I'll tell you what was stupid though, thinking I wasn't here when you woke up. I couldn't leave you if I tried."

"Why? Because this is your apartment?" He joked.

"No," I sighed, hoping he'd get what I meant.

"Good." He smiled. He finished the toast pretty fast and egged me to finish mine.

"Eat up Charles," he stood up. "You're going to need all the energy you can get. We've got a big day ahead of us."

I soon made my way into the shower and then got changed for the day. I lost track of time, and Ashton. In the late afternoon I heard a knock on my door and was confused when I saw who it was.

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