117 8 0

Sorry that this isn't a chap
Just wanted to show what's happened and what's to come


To do before 21.

1-Take a road trip (x)

2-Try a food I can't pronounce (x)

3-Go skinny dipping (x)

4-Sleep under the stars (x)

5-Pull a (fun) all-nighter (x)

6-Have a meaningful conversation with a stranger (x)

7-Get a passport and take it somewhere ( )

8-Get a job (x)

9-Learn to converse in another language (x)

10-Dance in the rain (x)

11-Go to a movie or dinner by myself (x)

12-Learn to cook my favourite meal (x)

13-Get drunk (x)

14-Have a one night stand ( )

15-Get into a fist fight (x)

16-Say yes to everything all day ( )

17-Carve something cliché into a tree (x)

18-Get over a fear (x)

19-Go on a real date (x)

20-Don't talk for an entire day ( )

21-Play hide and seek in a mall (x)

22-Play extreme truth or dare (x)

23-Write a diary (x)

24-Read a sappy Nicholas Sparks book (x)

25-Stop biting my nails (x)

26-Watch the fireworks from a rooftop (x)

27-Go to a carnival (x)

28-Steal something (x)

29-Get a tattoo (x)

30-Spend a whole day in bed (x)

31-Be handcuffed to someone for 24hours (x)

32-Play chicken across a train track ( )

33-Play penis in public (x)

34-Crash a wedding (x)

35-Attend a strangers funeral (x)

36-Break the law (x)

37-Befriend someone you don't like (x)

38-Get stuck in an elevator (x)

39-Be in two places at once (x)

40-Have a valentine ( )

41-Loose virginity (x)

42-Dine and dash (x)

43-Fall in love (x)

44-Get my heart broken (x)

45- die ( )

Next chapter will be kinda full on and a bit sad
Nearly finished the book holla

Oh and live SOS is so good like shieeeettt son
Sorry again


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