Chapter 27 - Steal something/break the law (x)

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Dear diary, (27/01/2014)

I never really painted my nails, never saw the point really.


Yesterday turned out far better than expected. After Ashton's little declaration about how happy I make him, I couldn't resist. He came back in with his Cheetos and we slept together side by side. He held me and made me want to forget all the bad shit I had felt about him a few days before.

I was currently staring at him as he slept- in the most non creepy way possible, I swear. His hair was getting longer and I didn't like the fact that it covered his face when he faced me.

No matter how many times I tried to push it out of the way or tuck it behind his ears, it never managed to stay. I tried again this morning and unluckily woke him in the process.

"What is it with you and touching my hair?" He stirred and started stretching out his legs.
"I just wanted to see your face." I said quietly and pulled the blankets back over my face. He then proceeded to stretch out his arms and grab me around the waist, pulling me closer once he'd finished.

"This face?" He smiled and puckered his lips. I didn't make any attempt to move in since I hated kissing people this early in the morning, and I knew my breath would be horrid.

"Kiss me." He pouted and I tried to squirm away. "Charleesss," He sighed and pulled me closer. "Seriously, you don't need to be all self conscious around me. How many times have I smelt your morning breath? A thousand. How many times have I accidentally walked in on you on the toilet? A million. We've been skinny dipping for crying out loud, you might as well not wear clothes around me anymore."

"I think you're over estimating our friendship." I squeaked.

"Friendship?!" He said in the most disgusted way possible as I continued to bury my face into the bed. "I think we both know that this is far too weird to be considered a friendship." He chuckled and pulled me up to face him. "Why don't you want to kiss me?"

"You know why." I said my best without having to open my mouth too much.
"Charles, you're overreacting. And one day when I'm gone, you'll remember back to this day and regret the fact that you didn't kiss me when you had the chance."
"I think I'll live." I said and the edges of his mouth tilted up in amusement.
"Oh really?"

"No." I shook my head and smiled. I then closed my eyes and puckered my lips and waited for him to kiss me, but nothing happened. "Ashton?' I said and opened my eyes but he wasn't making any attempt.

"You're right." He shook his head and sat up with his feet touching the floor. "I'm not too sure about your breath anymore."

I grabbed the closet pillow and threw it at him as he stood up, groaned when it made minor impact on his butt and slumped back down. A few seconds later he returned and to my surprise, kissed me lightly on the mouth.

"Just joking." He whispered.


For once in our god forsaken friendship I actually knew what we were doing today. Ashton made it clear that he felt like doing something adventurous today, something like shoplifting. Even though I was a little skeptical at first, it would be have to be done sooner or later.

As we walked to the closet shopping center, Ashton was trying to explain to me his plan, his well thought out plan. I knew he wasn't an expert, but decided to take his advice anyway.

"All you gotta do is take your desired item, walk to an empty aisle and make it look like your searching for something in your bag, and drop it in." He said simply. "and if it's packed I'll do mine first, then I'll make myself the center of attention to make it easier for you."

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