Chapter 29 - Take a road trip/stop biting my nails (x)

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(This is two days in one, holla.
Also mind spelling mistakes! I edited and all but I tend to miss shit)

Dear diary, (29/01/2014)

We were just two people who happened to be at the same place, at the same time.


I had no fucking idea why Ashton decided to wake me up at 4am this morning. No fucking idea.

"Get ready Charles, today, we drive." He exclaimed as he flipped on my light switch. The light burned like a mother fucker, and my doona was doing a shit job at shielding it from me.

"Haven't you used that line already?" I yelled out at him, my voice being barely audiable as it was being muffled by my suffocating blanket.

"Yeah, but today we're actually driving at like, a constant speed-"
"It's not even day time yet!" I protested and squealed as Ashton ripped the blanket from me. My hands covered my eyes instantly.

"It will be when we get to Chicago." He said casually. I instantly shot up.
"Chicago?" I asked and Ashton nodded. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." He shrugged. "I tried to pack for you, but I didn't know what to pack apart from like, deodorant and and an extra bra-" he chuckled nervously.

I sighed heavily before getting out of bed. It was a painful task but I guess it'd be worth it. I'd always wanted to go to Chicago.

"You need to give me a heads up when we do shit like this, so I can like rent a car and make food, and, and pack." I exasperated.
"Already done." Ashton clicked his tongue.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow up at him as I started shoving random clothes into the small bag Ashton had already started packing for me.

"Yep." He popped the p and smiled proudly. "The car is out the front. My rucksack is packed along with Cheetos and sandwiches that I made last night."

"What type of sandwiches?" I narrowed my eyes in an amused but interested way.
"Pickles and turkey." He smirked and I nodded vaguely at him.
"Good job." Was all I said. "Just warn me next time, okay?"

"But then it wouldn't be very spontaneous, would it now?" He argued.
"Ashton, I'm serious-"
"Gosh, okay. Chill mum- I'm a big boy."

I ignored him and went into the bathroom and stuffed some random things that I'm pretty sure I'd need into my bag. When I walked back into my room, Ashton was gone. I hastily grabbed two pillows, put my wallet, a random book, my keys and phone into my bag and headed outside.

Ashton was in the car, so I took the liberty of locking my door and leaving. It was a fast decision, but hey, Ashton was always keeping me on my toes.

He honked the horn when he saw me and made sure that he had the lights on so I could see where I was going. His eyes went wide when he realised that we had neighbours and it was only 4am in the morning. I opened the back seat of the car and tossed my bag in. Ashton was right. He did pack.

He had a blanket, an esky and a container of food all there. I left one pillow in the back seat before grabbing out my phone and joining Ashton in the front.

He had been in here heating up the car, it was a really nice gesture.
"Ready?" He asked and released the hand break.
"Ah huh." I nodded and he gave me a glance before driving off.

I decided to get comfortable. I put my pillow on my lap- it's preferred position and my feet on the dashboard. I then went to plug my phone into the stereo, only to find Ashton's already plugged in.
"Could you press play?" He asked and I rolled my eyes before doing so.

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