Chapter 9 - Pull a (fun) all-nighter (x)

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Dear diary, (08/01/2014)

Ashton has officially fucked up my routine.

But maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.


"Okay. I got the redbull, gummi bears and all eight Harry Potter movies." I say to Ashton, pointing to everything on the coffee table as he sat on the couch.

"This is your idea of pulling a 'fun' all-nighter?" He laughs.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I think you're too fixed on the 'staying awake long enough for it to count as an all-nighter' rather than the fun bit." He says and reaches for something out of his pocket. He grabs it out, revealing a phone.

"Since when did you have a phone?"

"I don't. It's yours." He states flatly as he unlocks the phone and starts touching the screen.

"Hey!" I yell as I try to reach for it. but he just puts it up in the air as he continues to use it.

"Don't waste your time, I already went through your photos and messages, your life is quite boring." He exhales as if he was bored.

"Says the guy who goes through peoples phones for fun." I scoff and give up trying to get the phone.

"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend?" He asks, still looking at the phones screen.

"I don't." I argue. I didn't.

"What about Tommy then?" He questions, raising his eyebrows.

"No." I snap at him.

"He sure texts you a lot."

"Did you text him back?" I raised my voice.

Ashton clears his throats and closes the app he was on, going onto what I think is my inbox.

"I just said 'Hey babe, sorry about the library, hope we can meet up some time. Winky face." He says in a high pitch voice.

"He'll know it's not form me. I barely talk to him, and when I do I don't use the word 'babe'."

"You're no fun. I was trying to get you some action."

"Well stop trying."

Ashton ignored my statement and continued to use my phone.

"So what are we doing tonight then?" I sighed, sitting next to him on the couch.

"We are going to a concert." He smiles and gets up from the couch. "Go get dressed."

"What? Since when? How?"

"I added this dude on your Facebook who lives here and he was selling tickets." He added. "He's selling them outside the venue and promised to hold a couple tickets for you."

"You did all that just then?" I asked shocked.

"I did." He smiled. "Now go get ready, we're going to be late."

"Wait." I paused before I left to go get change. "What band?"

"Pierce the veil."


I was actually excited for tonight. Luckily, it was a band I actually listened to.

"Seriously Charlie if we're going to walk, we need to leave now!" Ashton shouted from the other side of my door.

"We'll just get a cab!" I yelled back as I opened my door. To my surprise Ashton had changed outfits. He was wearing black skinny jeans that were ripped in some places and a plain black shirt alongside a red bandana wrapped around his head. I walked out of my room, banging shoulders with him in the process. I was wearing a similar outfit to him a black t-shirt that was cropped at the stomach with black high-waisted jeans and black converse.

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