Chapter 10 - Dine & dash (x)

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Dear diary, (09/01/2014)

Death seems more inviting than life.


"I say we go back to that Chinese restaurant and dash like we should have ages ago." Ashton suggested as we walked down a street.

"No. Thanks to you, we'll be kicked out before we even get a chance to dine." I argued back as he pathetically rolls his eyes at me.

"Lighten up would ya, didn't you have fun last night?" He said as he nudged my shoulder, nearly sending me flying off of the sidewalk and onto the road.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I did." I replied and nudged him back.

"It was fun." He smiled at me and nudged me yet again.

"It was." I said again, nudging him back.

"We should go to another concert," He suggested. "Maybe a Miley one or something."

"Yeah, okay." I laughed at his choice of singer.

"What?" He smiled widely, probably wanting to start a sarcastic argument.

"Nothing." I laughed back and nudged him. He laughed as well, and nudged me too. Straight onto the cold gravel road. Causing me to scrape places.

"Shit!" He yelled from the side walk as I looked up to him from the ground.

"Jesus, you have a push on you." I laughed and attempted to get myself up from the ground as he quickly walked over to me.

"Are you alright?" He panicked, helping me up by snaking on of his arms around my waist. "Shit." He said again while looking at my left knee.

"Would you look at that!" I chuckled as I spotted the problem. I grazed one of my knees and it had blood oozing from it. My knee barley hurt, but my left palm, was stinging.

"Shit." I winced as I examined it. It wasn't bleeding as much as my knee but it was skinned or some shit. It hurt.

"I'm sorry Charlie-You, you pushed me and I-I just did it back, and-I-I didn't even think because your a girl- you're just, shit. Dude, I'm sorry-you just-"

"Ashton. It's fine." I chuckled at him and pushed him off me. "They're just grazes, I'm fine." I assured him again.

"Do you wanna go home and clean them or?" He asked as I looked around, trying to see if there was anywhere that I could quickly clean up. Luckily, we had walked further than I originally thought we had and realised that were around a minute away from where I used to work.

"Nah." I waved him off. "I'll do it up here, come on." I waved him forward.

"I'm real sorry Charles," He said as he walked up beside me, taking my right hand in his.

"Ash!" I winced in pain and pulled my hand away.

"Shit." He said again, looking even more panicked than he did before.

"Just kidding." I smiled at him, "Wrong hand." I shook my left hand at him.

He poked his tongue out and nudged me the smallest bit. "That was mean."

We soon got to the restaurant and walked in, being greeted by Denise.

"You guys want a table?" She asked, sounding hungover as usual.


"No." Both me and Ashton said at the same time.

"Isn't that why you came in here?" Ashton asked me. "Aren't we going to dine," He said then lowered his voice and whispered into my ear so that Denise wouldn't hear. "And then dash?"

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