Chapter 7 - Play penis in public (x)

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Dear diary, (06/01/2014)

Every second, every minute, every hour of the day. It never ends.


"This is probably the easiest one!" Ashton yells across the empty bus at me. I continue to shake my head and laugh, not believing that I was actually going to play penis in public, and with Ashton. "I thought you said getting drunk was!" I yelled back. "Well this one is more fun. I can't believe you even remembered that I said that." I continued to shake my head as a response. I personally wanted to stay in bed all day but Ashton wanted to do this one instead. Typical.

"Well it is your bucket list. We don't have to do it if you don't want." He sighed and slumped himself down beside me. "No." I stated shaking my head again. "I want to do it."

The bus then comes to a stop, letting a few groups of people on. Once the bus begins moving again, Ashton leans near my ear, and begins whispering.

"Penis." He breathes out.

"I thought we were going in town to do it?" I questioned, thinking that it would be more public there. "Considering there's barely any people on here." The bus stopped at the next bus stop, picked up a few more crowds of people and began moving again. "How about now?" He asks quietly.

I responded with a mumble. "Penis."

"Peeeenuuuuussss." Ashton yawns out and drapes his arm around the back of my seat.

"Penis." I whisper, a little louder than last time.

"You need to say it louder than me, not louder than what you said it last time."

"Penis." I huffed out a little louder than he did.

"What did you say?" He smiled. I responded by shoving him with my hand, not shouting until after he did.

He then cracked his knuckles and cleared his throat.

"Penis!" He shouts quietly, looking around the bus after to see if anyone notice or heard.

"Penis." I said flatly, becoming bored of this game already. Why the hell did I even put it on my bucket list?

"Penis!" Ashton coughed out, causing a lot of people on the bus to stare at him.

"Penis." I laughed out before noticing that our stop was coming up.

"Peeenis?" Ashton called out after I had gotten up, stepped over him and began walking to the bus doors.

"Peennnis." I called out behind me, telling him that our stop was now. He jumped up and followed me. Just as he was about to step off the bus, he turned around one last time and yelled out to all the people.


"Come on." I dragged him along into town. We walked past a few streets, getting ready to go to the mall.

"Wait." Ashton stopped us both with a look of excitement in his eyes. "Let''s do it in there." He said as he nodded in the direction behind me. I turned around to see what he meant, realising that he had nodded to a library.

"No, I don't think we should." I protested, I had a library card registered there and the lady's were all really nice.

"Charles, would you rather us do it in there with a bunch of old, half-deaf ladies? Or in the shopping center where there are loads of good looking lads?"

"Fine." i huff as we cross the street, making our way towards the library.

"It's your turn." He whispered as we walked up to the automatic doors, waiting a few seconds before they slid open.

"Pennis." I say as we walk into the library.

"Morning." Ashton smiled and nodded to one of the old ladies who was at the front desk.

I walked further into the library, wanting to get further away from people, giving them less of a chance to hear.

"Peenis." Ashton coughed out as he followed behind me. I quickly grabbed the first book i saw and sat down at a table, bringing the book as close to my face as i could.

"Pennnnnnniiiissss." I drag out, the sound being muffled a tiny bit by the book. I heard the doors slide open, but chose to ignore them. If i was going to humiliate myself it'd be better to not know who I was acting like a tool in front of.

"Penuuus." Ashton said, sassing out the 's'.

"Pennis." I laugh out and bring the book down from my face, revealing the person who had entered moments before. I quickly brang the book back up to my face, but I was too late.

"Charlie?" The voice said, recognizing me.

"Tommy?" I say, acting as if I hadn't sen him.

"Pennis?" Ashton said while Tommy walked over to our table.

"Peenis." I whispered to Ashton as I kicked his foot under the table, shutting him up.

"Hey, how have you been?" Tommy smiled at me as Ashton's confusion looked like it had increased.

"Better." I said and closed the book I had in my hands. "Why are you here?"

"Getting some cook books." He smiled. "Who's your friend?" He asked looking at Ashton.

"Peenis." Ashton said while holding out his hand for Tommy to shake.

"Excuse me?"

"Ashton I said." He said, trying to make Tommy feel stupid.

"And you are?" Tommy asked.

"Charlie's boyfriend." Ashton smiled causing me to kick him under the table.

"A friend that's a boy." I elaborated.

"I've never seen you before." Tommy said to Ashton.

"Yea, I've started hanging with Charles only a couple days ago you see. Since new years."

"Oh, well Ive known her for years." Tommy smiled.

"She's never mentioned you." Ashton shrugs his shoulders, pissing Tommy off even more.

"She's never mentioned you either."

"Well, you'd think she'd say something, since we are living together." Ashton states.

"Ashton." I say sternly. He didn't need to be rude to another person for no reason. Even if that person was Tommy.

"Right. Um, I'll see you around yeah? Come back to the restaurant, Uncle's dying to see ya." Tommy smiled at me and walked off, probably finding some cookbooks to not follow.

"Pennnis? Really." I scoffed at Ashton.

"Peenis." He confirmed and stood up from his chair.

"You need to stop being rude to people you don't know for no reason."

"I told you, it's what I do." He said, pushing his chair in. At least he had manners.

"It's not nice and Tommy's not that bad-." I whined.

"He looks at you like he wants to get into your pants. I was just warning him off."

"He does not." I scoff at him.

"Yes he does."

"So what? He's just-"

"You know what, this isn't as fun as I thought it would be." He admitted, cutting me off while he picked at the hem of his shirt uncomfortably. "Lets head home yea?"


"Yea, I'm not really feeling it. We played it though." He forced a smiled and turned around, walking out of the library.

"Pennis." I huffed out, finishing the game that had barely even started.

"Peniiss!" He yelled out from in front of me.

His damn extensive hearing.

(Sorry about the different spelling of 'penis' , it would have been rate R otherwise and would have only been allowed to be read by followers, so sorry about the spelling of it and if it was annoying to read)

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