Chapter 17 - Dance in the rain (x)

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Dear diary, (16/01/2014)

Why does it always rain on me?


"Looks like it's going to rain." Ashton yawns as he slumps down beside me on the couch with a bowl of cereal. He passes me a spoon and holds out the bowl so that it's in my reach as well.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrug and reach for the bowl with my spoon, scooping up a spoonful. It was a bit cloudy and dark outside I suppose.

"Yeah, not like there's anything on your list that has anything to do with rain." He muttered sarcastically and turned to the TV that was currently showing a teen mum episode.

"You wanna dance in the rain?" I ask and go for another spoonful after shoveling the first on in my mouth and chewing.

"When it starts raining, well yeah."

"Okay." I smirk and eat my next spoonful.

"Unless you, you know wanna dance alone." He sighs and eats more of his cereal.

"I never said that." I say back.

"Stop making fun of me then." He insists and pulls the cereal up to his chest, not allowing me any further access to the bowl.

"I wasnt'!" I defend and reach for the cereal.

"The way you said 'you wanna dance in the rain', was clearly making fun of me and my passion for wanting to help you complete this list." He explained and said 'you wanna dance int he rain' in a high pitched girl voice.

"Your passion?" I mocked.

"That's it." He said and stood up with the cereal, storming off. "Dance by yourself." He yelled from the kitchen.

"Ashtonnnnn." I called out. "The cereal."

Ashton was right, it did start raining, pouring down actually. It was around noon when the whether took a complete turn for the worst, so that's when Ashton decided it was the perfect time to go out. After debating whether or not we'd get hypothermia, Ashton convinced me to go. Actually, he forced me by dragging me into town.

We stopped on the street where I used to work and he jogged down it, humming loudly. "C'mon Charles!" He yelled.

"That's not dancing!" I protested. He was merely running back and forth.

"You want dancing?" He questioned as he reached me. "I'll showing you dancing."

He started humming as he grabbed one of my hands in his and put the other around my waist. He hummed this stupid song out of beat as we danced. We probably looked retarded, but we were dancing. At least Ashton was.

Then, the most cliche thing happened. Ashton trying to tango dipped me down, and almost dropped me. Luckily, he's not as clumsy as you would assumed he was, and he pulled me back up, our foreheads banging into each others.

We both winced in pain and looked up at each other, laughing. He stared at me for a little longer than usual, and he puckered his lips up, like a five year old. He was being stupid and cliche, but I felt like he really wanted to kiss me. Like really wanted to, it was bound to happen. So I leaned in also.

"Charlie?" I heard a voice yell and snapped my gaze to the direction of the restaurant I used to work at. "What are you doing?" The figure yelled as he stepped out of the restaurants doors, not yet exposing themselves to the rain.

"Tommy?" I ask as I pull away from Ashton, who refused to let me go at first.

"What are you doing?" He yelled over the rain.

"Um, dancing?" I say walking closer.

"Come inside." He says, but I look back at Ashton.

Tommy's gaze soon falls behind me as he notices him. "C'mon." He insisted. "You'll get sick, just come inside, get a hot coffee or something. You'll freeze."

The offer did seem tempting, but I was having a lot of fun with Ashton already.

"I'm not that cold." I protest, but he rolls his eyes.

"Come inside, or I will drag you in!" He jokes, but Ashton doesn't find it funny.

"She's fine mate." Ashton says as he walks up beside me.

"Charlie?" Tommy questions, and I look back and forth between him and Ashton. "You're going to get sick."

I look up at Ashton and he bits his lip, smiling smugly as if he already knows that I'll choose him. "I'll take my chances." I yell back, not taking my eyes away from Ashton. He starts laughing and I hear the restaurant doors close.

Instead of carrying on our cliche kis in the rain, Ashton declared that he should get me out of the rain before I did get sick. We ran home and fumbled into my apartment, absolutely soaked.

"Hot shower." Ashton said as we both ran in the direction of the bathroom. Much to my dismay, we were fully clothed when we got in the shower.

Ashton turned the heat on full blast and took the hand shower head and wet me before himself. I jolted at the immediate temperature change, but slowly got used to it.

"Here." I said and grabbed the shower head from him. "You're shivering."

He then turned around and I soaked his back. Surprisingly, he peeled his drenched shirt of and turned to face me, so that the water was getting his chest.

My jeans and shirt stuck to me and I wasn't a fan of wet denim. I kept of glancing form the shower head down to my clothes, urgently wanting to take them off.

"Go ahead." Ashton said as he grabbed the shower head from me. "It's not like you'll be stark naked, now hurry, before the hot water runs out."

I quickly peeled my shirt off and threw it on the shower floor and did the same to my jeans. I then took the shower head back, to let Ashton take his jeans off. I covered myself as much as I could with the luke warm water before Ashton snatched it and used it on himself.

I continued to reach for it, but he kept on snatching it out of my reach.

"Ashton." I whined, it was beginning to get cold.

"Charles." he mimicked and lowered the shower head. I then reached for it but he held it above his head. Without thinking, I reached for it, my body pressing against his. We stayed there for few moments, his heart beat and breathing the only thing my hearing could focus on.

He was pretty. Actually, he was more than pretty. His damp hair was swept perfectly to the side and his dimples looked as if they were perfectly drawn on his face. I was distracted and stared in silence as a bead of water rolled down his face and off of his jaw.

"Charles." He breathed out. I looked up at him and he dropped the shower head into my hands. "No more hot water." He said and made his way out of the shower, picking up our discarded clothes on the way.

I put my hand out and felt the cold water. I hadn't even felt the water change temperature while I was in the shower. But then again, I was feeling hot. Thanks to Ashton.

I wrapped myself in a towel after I has peeled my wet underwear off and walked into my room, pulling out track pants, fuzzy socks, underwear and a long sleeved top.

I changed in the bathroom and hung up my wet clothes in the laundry where Ashton had hung the others. I walked into the lounge room where Ashton sat on the couch with blankets, watching a movie.

I sat down beside him and he looked at me. He lifted up the blanket and pulled it over my body as an attempt to keep me warm. It was only the late afternoon and already I felt tired.

A few minutes later when I had just failed to keep my eyes open, Ashton took off his hoodie, and tossed it to me. I looked up at him, the only thing covering his torso being a thin fabric t shirt.

"You need to wear this." I say and push it back in his direction. I had heaps of hoodies if I wanted one.

"But I want you to wear it." He said, so I did. His warm jumper smelling musky and sweet, it smelt like him, it smelt like home.

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