Chapter 34 - Get a passport and take it somewhere [Part 2] (x)

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Ashton's POV

Dear diary, (04/02/2014)

My girlfriend dribbles in her sleep, she's so cute.


4 am was nearly approaching, and I had been counting down the hours. Soon, the air hostesses will be getting us ready to land, which meant everyone would soon wake up. I had been staring at Charles for the most part, god she was something. Sitting with her foot wedged in between the plane wall and the guys in front seat, she managed to look comfortable. Despite her evident double chin from her lack of neck support and the trail of dribble coming from the crease of her mouth, she still remained one of the most effortlessly beautiful human beings I had ever seen.

My failed attempt at sleeping was due to the constant nervousness pulsing through my body.

I was a few hours away from showing Charles everything. She would soon meet my family, my old friends and see who I used to be. Who I was before the pain came.

Pain. Such an over used four letter word used to describe my state of mind for the past few months. I wasn't too sure if it applied anymore, since Charles I mean. It wasn't that she had replaced her, that was never the case. Charles had instead healed me, even though she has barely done much.

I was a complete and utter asshole the day I was faced with the opportunity to see my love again. I was an even bigger asshole not to realise where my true love actually was. I deserved to be shut out, and I deserved the pain caused by Charlie sleeping with Mr Masterchef Junior with the stupid Boston accent. His waffles probbaly tasted like ass compared to mine, and did he get awesome food fight sex after they cooked together? Probably not. Them being together did hurt like a mother fucker, but I had it coming. That was nothing compared to the pain I saw in Charles's eyes when she saved me for a second time.

After two months, my heart has nearly fully healed.

I haven't seen my mum since the last time I was in Australia. After Megan died, I came back to say goodbye to everyone. Nobody caught on as to what I was really up to, and I couldn't bare to wonder how they would react if they did.

After Megan, I was a big mess. I thought of nothing else but her, which was stupid and very selfish. But that's what love did to me. Mum didn't even know I had a girlfriend, let alone that she had died. I want her to know about Charlie, because she's permanent. As long as I'm alive, she isn't going anywhere.

I could see the flight team preparing to wake everyone up, so I took the liberty of waking up my munchkin. I leaned in close to her ear, my lips nearly brushing them.

"Baby." I whispered, but gained no response.

"Charlie," I tried again, this time only earning a movement of the head. So I went with the most Ashton-y thing I could think of. I made sure my voice wasn't loud enough for the whole plane to hear. Good god I'd be in shit.

Ever so precisely I leant down and loudly whispered, "Charles quick, planes going down, planes going down!" The look of panic that shot across her suddenly awoken face was priceless. Her eyes were wide and she rubbed at the corner of her mouth where the saliva had previously escaped from. Her eyes then scanned her surroundings, and once they saw that the cabin was still dark apart from some reading lights, and that the plane was moving at an easy speed, they went dark.

"You fucking asshole!" She quietly screamed, punching me in the chest. She had a strong ass punch, but I'd never tell her that. I'm supposed to be the tough one in this relationship.

"I'm going to kick your ass when we land." She growled, making sure she didn't wake anyone around us. I chuckled as I rubbed at my secretly sore chest.

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