Chapter 4

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"I'm here!" I yell as I run through the restaurants doors. I run straight into the kitchen, put my apron on and try to act like I've been there the whole time while I start to wash random dishes in a nearby sink.

"You're late." A cook that I work with named Tommy whispers as he walks past me. I mouth a quick 'sorry' and continue scrubbing the dishes, getting water everywhere.

Even though my job title is 'waitress', I try my hardest to hide out in the back, to avoid talking to people and taking their orders. Besides, I like it back here. The cooks are nice and will barely talk to you. Except of course, Tommy. Who is always trying to spark up conversations and ironically only works morning shifts like me.

"Charliee." He smiles as he walks over to me and places a sauce pan on the right side of the sink I was currently trying to wash up in. "Tommy." I nod, not giving him attention. "How you been?" Here we go. "Fine." I mutter back, while trying to scrub the shit out of a plate with the biggest ketchup stain imaginable on it.

"I didn't see you at Craig's new years party?" He tries to continue on the conversation by asking, even though I had no idea who this 'Craig' was. "I had other plans." I answered flatly, actually hoping that I'd be called to the front so that I wouldn't have to keep conversing with this dick. Tommy was nice and all, and he had great hair. But he was kind of a tool and licked his lips way too much. He's kind of a shit cook, but has never gotten fired because his uncle owns the place. "We should've hung out." He smiled and licked his lips.

I didn't know if Tommy was the type to sleep around or not and honestly I thought he was gay the first time we met.

"Charlie!" Tommy's uncle, the owner who I knew was definitely gay, came running in frantically.

"We need you out front. A kids sleepover birthday or something just finished and they brought all the kids here, we need some help serving and pushing tables together." He said all in one breath.

Brian always got frantic and anxious when big groups arrived, so i immediately nodded, wiped my hands and exited the kitchen. As much as I hated kids, I hated being hit on by Tommy more.

I started by moving a six seater table with another waitress, trying to connect them together. There was around twenty-five kids who were probably under the ages of ten. I hated kids.

"Charlie, Denise quick! Take orders, let's go!" Brian yelled out while trying to seat some of the kids.

"I am still hung over from new years I swear." Denise whispered as she walked past me, handing me a notepad and pen. I always thought she would be the drinking, type. But I had never had a long enough conversation with her to find out. I had never really had a long enough conversation with anyone in this dump to find out anything worth while about them.

The kids were all shouting and some were drooling, while others sat and coloured in the stupid colouring-in books we had here. It was loud, it smelt and I was beginning to feel sick.

"Breathe." I whispered, making my way towards the other end of the table where a couple of parents were. "How may I help you?"

"Um, we'll get six plates of bacon-or do you think five is enough? maybe four?" The lady turned and asked who I think was her husband who clearly wasn't listening.

"Yea, five of those, um maybe twenty pieces of toast? Yea. I'll get twenty thanks. And maybe ten eggs? I don't know if they'll eat them. We'll just get them." She smiled at me as I quickly scribbled down her order.

"Anything else?"

"What else is good?" She hummed and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her finger.

The Bucket List ➡️ Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now