Chapter 17- Sebastian

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Back at the house the three students were greeted immediately by Professor Onai holding out three letters.

"Hogwarts letters for each of you" she raised an eyebrow as she got to Sebastian; "seems like you've been spending so much time here they decided this would be the best place to reach out."

Sebastian showed her a sly grin, grabbing his letter along with the girls.

"I know you love having me here." he teased "You know I still have time to switch my schedule to NEWTS divination so you won't miss me when the school starts"

The teacher just shot him a glance that told him not to push it, and he grinned as he opened his letter.

"Oh Diana there are two other letters for you, as well as your OWLs."

Sebastian glanced over at the girl as she reached out for the other three parcels. She had taken her OWLs a month ago in the midst of summer. He knew that she should have done well in everything, but he could see on her face that she was nervous. He was going to make a joke about it, but stopped. He saw the other two letters as she shifted through them. He felt a quickening to his heart as he saw the names on both; one was from Ominis, and the other.... Anne.

He knew that Diana had been writing both of them during the summer. There were days that she made him wait ages to go start something fun while she finished writing. One of the times he had snuck up behind her to see who it was she was writing, and saw a page written out to his sister. In that moment he felt dejected, knowing that his sister who had refused to respond to any of his letters, was writing to her. He was her flesh and blood and had done so much to try to help her once she had been hurt. Yes, he knew he had messed up with a lot of things, but still did his heart count for nothing?

After that he tried not to let the letters bother him, but it was hard to do. He also tried not to hold anything against Diana. He knew that none of this was her fault, and really he was glad that Anne had someone else that she could talk to. But he still felt jealous of their connection, while his stayed severed. Her letters to Ominis didn't bother him as much. Sebastian hadn't really made an effort to reach out to his friend yet. He knew he would be seeing him once school started, and felt that mending things face to face would be the better approach. He was also glad that Ominis had Diana to write to, knowing that he wouldn't be able to have many interactions with people other than his family.

In this moment though, he felt dejected once more. He tried to shrug off the feeling as he turned back to the Hufflepuff.

"Don't leave us in suspense- tell us how you did"

She had opened her results and was just standing there. She was reading the paper, absolutely silent. He knew that it would take her forever to let the news sink in, and then share with them- so he took matters into his own hand. In a quick motion he grabbed the letter and raced around the kitchen table so she couldn't reach him.

"HEY!" she shot at him, reaching to try to grab it back.

Sebastian moved around the table, playing cat and mouse. Then he held it high into the air so she wouldn't be able to reach.

"Don't keep all the good news to yourself; sharing is caring."

She jumped up at him to reach it, but he just lifted even higher. She didn't even try to use a spell to get it - classic muggle mistake. He strained his eyes as he started to read;

Study of Ancient Runes: O

Astronomy: E

Care of Magical Creature: O

Charms: O

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Divination: E

Herbology: O

History of Magic: O

Magical Theory: O

Potions: O

Transfiguration: E

"Eight Outstandings and all the rest Exceed expectations" he grinned down at her, watching her face turning a dark shade of red "Now now, no need to be embarrassed, these are fairly good. You did almost as well as me-"

He was cut off as Professor Onai casted acio and ripped the paper out of his fingers. She caught the page and sent him a disapproving stare.

"I know for a fact Mr. Sallows that you received an Acceptable on your Divination exam. And from what I saw that grade was very generous." She handed the paper back to Diana "You did very well my dear, I am very proud of you- and I will miss you in my class this year."

Diana smiled shyly and took her paper, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Double potions messed with my plans for this year. I had to choose between Divination and Ancient ruins, and chose the latter."

"A choice that makes a lot of sense." She patted the girl's shoulder. Diana met her eyes and gave her a thankful smile.

Natty then made her way over to compare her schedule to her friends, and congratulated Diana on her scores. Sebastian watched them, avoiding the glaring stare of his teacher next to him. They all had potions together, and defense against the dark arts. He assumed that not many people were able to make it to the NEWT level of those classes if they were combining at least three houses in a single class. Diana and he also shared Herbology and charms, while the girls had care of magical creatures together. They all seemed happy with the outcome of their new year schedules.

Natty and her mom looked over the materials list and started making plans on when they would all go and get supplies in Diagon Alley. Sebastian took a seat at the table, facing his page in front of him, but watching Diana from the corner of her eye. She sat down at a desk across the room and had started reading her letters. He didn't know which one she was reading, but she had a huge grin on her face as she did so. He shifted uneasily in his seat as he tried to push the jealousy back down where it belonged.

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