Chapter 18- Ominis (letter)

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Dear Diana,

I received my Hogwarts schedule this morning, and assumed you must have as well. I also assume that you received your OWL scores, seeing as you would need those before you could know what classes you were eligible to take this year. Not that I think you would score low on any enough not to take what you wanted. I expect that most of your scores will be Outstanding, and nothing lower than Exceed Expectations. If you are open I would like to know what they are.

This year I am taking everything that we talked about, before the school year ended. I somehow also got into the NEWTs level for potions. I am still surprised I passed that OWL with a high enough grade for this class. I think that maybe my father bribed someone to give me a higher grade, because it feels absolutely undeserving. I wouldn't have minded not taking such a tedious class, but it looks like you will be stuck monitoring my cauldron again this year.

I am also excited for muggle studies again. I am grateful every year that they hide the class on my schedule, so my parents won't know. The supplies list comes in braille though so they can't see the textbooks I need for the class anyway. I know I told you I started taking it just to spite my family, but it's one class I have really grown to enjoy. I have a favor to ask though, will you order my textbook for me? I won't be able to prepare a braille one when my father takes me out to get my supplies next week. If you talk to the shop keep at Flourish and Botts though I can have them send it to their Hogsmeade store to pick up with my other specially prepared books. The book is "Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles" and it's the fourth edition.

As per the question in your last letter; no I don't have any pets. When I was a young child my parents got me a cat, apparently a pure white one with a high pedigree. Typical of them. I enjoyed having it, but I caught Morvolo torturing it on more than one occasion, so I decided to let it go. I told my parents it had run away, and denied any other attempts at replacing it. Even at such a young age I figured out that even if I cared for it, it would still have a miserable life in my home with my terrible family. Seeing as it never tried to come back I can assume I was right. And because I know you are going to ask, its name was Felis- yes its Latin for Cat. I was a very boring child.

I know you said the Orphanage didn't let any of you have pets, but it seems just like you to try to adopt a stray. So did you ever befriend any animals on the streets of London?

I am glad to hear you are all doing well. I would say I hope to see you at Diagon Alley, but it's impossible even if I could use my eyes. With my father taking me to each shop since he has business in town as well. I would ask you not to risk coming up to me if you see me. I don't need him to know I am friends with "The Savior Of Hogwarts" which by the way is how you are known  in the Wizarding community. Although my family always likes to add in it being a shame that it's likely you aren't from a pure blood household- waste of talent according to them.

And if you can't tell I am very excited to get out of here and get to be with you at Hogwarts. I have missed getting to talk face to face with my friend of wasted talent. I hope to hear from you again before that time comes.

-Sincerely yours,

Ominous Gaunt

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