Chapter 20- MC

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Diana had only technically been to Diagon Alley, if she were to count the magical entrance into the Gringotts vault. Actually setting foot on the streets of the crowded shopping center was a new thing entirely. And what a wonderful thing it was!

The shops were lively with preparing Hogwarts students and their guardians. Diana had been to all the wizard towns near the school, but this was the largest group of wizards and witches that she had seen in one place. It was hard to believe that even with this overwhelming amount of magical people, she knew that it was just a drop in how many there were over the entire world. It filled her heart knowing this, feeling a sense of community growing inside of her.

Diana walked around the shops with Sebastian. Natty had gone off with her mom to get a new set of robes. Along with Diana's news, Natty had also found out in her letter that she was going to be a prefect for the Gryffindor house. Everyone had been very excited for her, aside from comments from Sebastian about how she should try not to go from a lion to becoming a rat. Professor Onai wanted to get Natty a new set of robes to wear with her prefect badge for the first day, and so the Hufflepuff and Slytherin had left them to that endeavor.

The two of them worked together, crossing their items off their school list. Diana was grateful to have had the money inherited from Fig to allow her to support herself and then some. When Sebastian had dragged her to the shop with quidditch gear, she had decided that she wanted something for her friend. After looking around she chose a beaters bat that was black stained wood with a white leader handle. She felt it was fitting after what she had learned about their family team from Anne. After purchasing, she hid it from Sebastian until they had decided to stop to get something to eat. As they sat down, waiting for their food Diana presented the bat to her Slytherin friend.

"What's this" Sebastian asked, eyes wide

"I saw it in that shop and wanted to get it from you. I may not have been a great help in your preparation for making the Slytherin team, but I can at least make sure your equipment doesn't hinder you at all."

He took the bat with a reverence that Diana felt was a little much, but made her feel good nonetheless. He looked it over, holding it so lightly you'd think it was made of glass. He inspected every angle of, and practiced tossing it back and forth between his hands. He was transfixed with it for quite a while, but then he froze. With a grin that shone through his eyes he looked over at her, and in a rush he moved over and hugged her so tightly he lifted her off her chair.

Diana recoiled at the touch, feeling overwhelmed with the claustrophobic sensation- but she was stuck. She was so happy that he enjoyed the present, but she wished that he would enjoy it from the other side of the table. After a moment he let go, and easily placed her back onto her chair as if she was a doll. He still beamed at her as he looked her in the eyes. She looked away, feeling her face get hot. Sebastian laughed and finally took back his own seat.

"You know you're my favorite right? And you even got the colors spot on! How did you know I was a Magpie fan?"

"Anne told me your family follows them" she answered, situating herself more comfortably in her chair, trying to distract herself from her embarrassment.

Neither of them said anything, letting the chatter within the room fill the space between them.

"How is she doing?"

Diana looked up, seeing the smile had now gone from Sebastian's face. Her heart felt a pull for him, she could only imagine the kind of pain someone must feel when they lose a sibling. Even more to know that she was only lost to him, and not to Diana.

"She's doing as well as would be expected." She wanted to ease his mind, but she also knew that Anne didn't want her talking to him about herself. She wanted to respect her wishes while also being a good friend to the boy in front of her. Maybe bringing up stories he already knew would be alright.

"She told me about how you had to learn the special cheer for your Quidditch team... do you think you could perform it for me?" She tried to give the same teasing smile that he was known so well for.

Her heart lifted as she saw his grin return to his face, and he threatened to take her seriously. She laughed as he mentioned how he also knew a great dance that went right along with the bird calls.

Thankfully their food came before he could make any bird imitations in the crowded inn where they ate. They happily started into their food, adding their light chatter to the voices around them. As they came to the end of their meal, Diana checked the large clock on the wall, thinking it was time to meet Natty and Professor Onai to head back. She was about to say so to Sebastian, but she stopped, hearing a familiar voice from across the room.

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