Chapter 47- Sebastian

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Sebastian grabbed his bat and headed out of the locker room. The stands were filled and there was a hum of chatter that vibrated throughout the stadium. He scanned, seeing lots of blue, but that didn't matter to him. He was looking for green, and in particular; green with red likely wind swept hair. He moved through the students until he spotted her sitting next to who assumed was Ominis and maybe Poppy, and then... was that Lucan? He chuckled, that boy was smitten for sure.

He saw Diana's head move to face forward and assumed she had seen him because she stood up on her seat and waved like crazy. He laughed as he waved back to her, watching her waves become even more frantic, until he was pulled down by her companions.

"She's a queer one isn't she?"

Sebastian turned to face the boy that had apparently come up to him. Andrew Larson was a year older than him, but they stood eye to eye. He looked him over, the Ravenclaw was known as a decent person, but at this moment the Slytherin didn't think there was anything decent about him. Maybe it was a mix of the competitive air in anticipation for the game, or maybe his words just rubbed the wrong way, but he didn't expect the boy would enjoy this conversion.

"Someone still sore from their wrestle with the library chair?" he replied with a dramatic pouty lip. The other boy scowled, but Sebastian was quick to add in; "Don't worry, she didn't tell anyone, she's too good to gossip about the likes of you. Garreth Weasley on the other hand has gotten really great at the reenactment when he tells the story though."

They glared at each other, then the older boy grabbed his gloves from his pocket and with an air of tried indifference started pulling them on.

"Good luck today Sallows. You're going to need it, especially when you have to keep up appearances to Diana after you lose."

"Please, I could be covered in Hufflepuff's Vinegar and she would still stay right by my side." He picked up his broom and swung his leg over it lifting into the air "oh and keep your luck, I don't like bird seed."

He flew up to meet the other beater, tapping the bottom of their clubs together. Each team took their places as the set whistle sounded from Madam Kogawa. Sebastian turned to face the other team, making sure to give Larson a grin. In return he sent a lewd gesture and got yelled at by Kogawa before the match had even begun. The Slytherin boy snickered, and he stole a glance to the side to find Diana. She was there, more visible from this height, eyes fixed on him, looking nervous but excited. He caught her eye and winked at her, regretfully turning away before he could watch her face turn red. He smiled, feeling very good about what was going to go down.

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