Chapter 26- Garreth

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Words were coming out and he didn't really know what they all were. He was just so excited to get to talk to her again- and feeling even lighter knowing she wasn't dating Ominis. Garreth continued his words, trying not to pontificate, watching her smile at him while she listened.

He had written to her over the summer, and they had exchanged quite a few letters in that time. He felt elated every time his owl brought one with her name across it. He felt like in that time they had gotten to know each other a lot better. He felt like he knew more about her likes and dislikes, and how she enjoyed spending her time.

He felt something grow for her over the summer as well. When he had first befriended her, she was just another person to help him with his potions. She was friendly and seemed interested in his work, so there was nothing more that he could ask for. But after her... blowup.. He had realized his mistake. She was a lot more than that, and as he got to see it through their letters, he noticed his feelings change.

He was already pretty sure that he liked her, but when he saw her walking towards him his heart confirmed it. She was beautiful, and it made his already present feelings soar. Last year he had noticed she was pretty, but he didn't focus much on those things. But in these few short months she had changed, and he couldn't deny his attraction to her. He had felt a pang of devastation when he then noticed she was holding the blind boy's hand, but once the misunderstanding was cleared up the feeling was gone.

Now he felt shivers of excitement as he got to sit next to her, and finally talk with her. He was so focused on his feelings, he really didn't know what words were coming out. He realized that he may be saying something dumb, and so mid sentence stopped.

Diana looked at him quizzically, probably wondering why he had cut himself off. Garreth felt his face heat up, and he turned away to hide his embarrassment. During that time he guessed she had also turned away because she asked;

"Are the carriages always pulled by Threshtrals?"

He turned back to her, but before he could answer Leander piped up from his other side.

"Yeah they always do. They're dodgy looking buggers if you ask me though. All skin and bones; might as well be just a black skeleton with wings."

"Probably best not to try to insult the things determining our safe travel," Ominous answered, sounding annoyed, but looking unbothered.

"You can see them then?" Diana asked, leaning forward to face Leander.

"Yeah, wish I didn't though. Garreth is the lucky one; still can't see them. When we rode a few years back I thought he was going to have a heart attack when I made him reach out to touch one when he said he didn't believe they were there."

He felt his face get hotter and his carriage mates laughed- of course his friend had to share that story. He was glad at least Leander had left out the part where he had also screamed like a little girl in surprise.

"Lucky bloke" Sebastian commented

"You can see them too Sallows? '' the redhead asked, trying to distract himself from his embarrassment.

"Yup, since I was young. Looks like you're the odd one out here mate." he said his words coolly, but it felt like he was taking a swipe. And somehow it worked, Garreth suddenly felt jealous he hadn't watched someone die. What kind of a thought was that?

"Don't worry Weasley, Sebastian is wrong."


"Yeah, I can't see them either. Or anything for that matter-"

The self deprecating comment made Diana choke on her spit, and that in turn made everyone start laughing. Garreth watched as Ominis reached over, finding her back, and patted it to give her a hand at breathing normally again. He felt a twinge of jealousy, but let it drop as the carriage stopped.

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