Chapter 7- Ominis

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After Ominis had left the Hospital wing he decided to find Poppy. He didn't really know her, but felt that she would be a good person for Diana to talk to. She definitely seemed the most remorseful about the whole situation, and next to him, was the person who sat with the sleeping girl the most.

It took him a while to find her, not knowing what classes she had, but eventually caught her on her way back from Care of Magical Creatures. She had all but sprinted away when he had said she was awake, and he felt certain he had made the right choice.

Ominis had thought about telling Sebastian... but that would require speaking to him- which they had not done since that first night at the hospital. After everything that happened in the Catacombs, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to have anything to do with his friend. He could barely think about the incident without feeling a fiery rage build up inside of him. His friend, who he had trusted, had destroyed everything. He was so obsessed with his own desires he crushed everything in his path. Diana had convinced both he and Anne not to turn him in to the Ministry, but that didn't make what happened go away.

And somehow with everything with Diana he felt that things were even more strained. Sebastian never went to see her during the day like everyone else, but one morning when Ominis went in Nurse Blainey had told him she threw Sebastian out, catching him sitting with Diana in the middle of the night.

Sebastian hadn't been sleeping in their dorm, he assumed he had taken refuge in the undercroft and decided to avoid it. Maybe he spent nights watching over Diana... he couldn't decide exactly what he felt about that. But he did feel that, even though they weren't talking, he would take it upon himself to break the silence to let his friend know she was awake. Turning with determination, he held out his wand, red light beaming, and headed to the undercroft.

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