Chapter 25- Sebastian

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Even though the days were still warm, the sun was beginning to set earlier and earlier. Sebastian stood by himself, watching shadows grow as it descended. Waiting at the station last year without Anne for the first time was miserable, but this year it was a new kind of low that made him feel as if he was dropping with the sun.

He had been feeling miserable for awhile now, all summer in fact. The feelings were only forgotten when he spent time with his friends, but especially when he was with Diana. After every restless night filled with dark dreams, he found himself at the current home of his friend, sometimes even before the sun was up. Usually he waited for somewhat of a decent hour before he knocked, but other times he felt a desperate need to shoo the darkness inside of him. Because of this, more than once, Professor Onai had given him a lecture about etiquette and valuing other people's time. Lucky for him though, he had spent the last two years letting his teachers' words come in one ear and breeze out the other.

Standing lonely on the platform though, there were no doors he could knock on that would bring his friend to him. All he could do now was wait- and Sebastian hated waiting.

The sun had disappeared entirely when he heard the sound of the whistle reaching him from a distance. Despite his misery he couldn't help but smile in anticipation. He didn't have to wait too much longer before the gleaming train had arrived, and students came out in droves.

Sebastian ran over to a light post and jumped onto it, holding on with one hand, arm outstretched. He swung his body around it, looking for clues as to where his friends could be. It didn't take long to find the pair of them, Ominis' white blond hair almost glowed in the lamp light, while Diana's orange burned next to him. He hopped off his lookout and ran over to where they were, slowing down to hide his eagerness from them.

"Fancy meeting you here-" his voice caught, from confident to hesitant as he made it to them. He looked at them, hand in hand, smiling together. "Wow, seems like lots can happen in a train ride."

Diana smiled at him, but then looked confused "what do you mean"

Sebastian pointed, "You're holding hands."

"Yeah, I'm helping him get through the crowd. Although..." She paused, "I've never done this before so I'm not sure where to go."

"The carriages are just on the other side of the station, just as long as you don't follow any first years you will find it." Ominous answered.

She nodded and the two of them continued on. Sebastian stood, not sure what to do anymore. A little shocked as they two of them easily breezed by his comment. After a moment he ran to catch up with them.

"Diana, you do realize what others are going to be thinking when they see you two walking like this don't you?" He called from behind, trying to reach them.

"That she is helping her blind friend." Ominis answered, bringing the end of his statement to a point to let him know that the matter needed to be dropped. He grunted in response.

They reached the carriages, and Sebastian followed as Diana pulled Ominis along to a red headed boy waving at her like an idiot. He groaned inwardly, also seeing Leander standing next to Garreth.

"Diana! Hi!" He said cheerfully, he began to run up to her but stopped in his tracks. Sebastian assumed that Garreth saw the two holding hands, and he wondered if his face had looked that dumb when he noticed them.

Before anyone could say anything else, one of Sebastian's least favorite voices practically yelled out; "Bloody hell are you two dating?"

The Slytherin boy grimaced as he faced his friend. Ominis had planted his other hand on his face and Diana was starting to get very red.

"W-what do you mean are we dating? Why would you ask that Leander?"

"Because you're bloody holding hands." Sebastian hissed at them.

At this Diana's eyes got wide and she immediately dropped Ominis' hand. Sebastian just shook his head at the absurdity of it all.

"We're not dating Prewitt. She was helping me get through the crowd- or did you forget that I'm blind." He waved his now empty hand in front of his face to emphasize his point.

At this Weasley perked up "Oh you guys aren't together?"

Diana just shook her head, face now burning red easily visible even in the growing darkness. She turned to get into the carriage. Sebastian scooted over to his fellow Slytherin as the two Gryffindors followed after her.

"Why didn't you tell her? This could have been easily avoided if she just held your arm like... like Anne used to." He whispered to him, instinctively helping him find the carriage end with his hand.

Ominis jerked his hand away "I didn't want her to be embarrassed. She just wanted to help me" he hissed back. "Of course it had to happen twice." The last of his words more a whisper.

The brown haired boy stepped back, feeling exasperated and also confused. What did he mean by two? He inwardly groaned; it was such a small thing that would blow over in barely any time he knew, but still it irritated him for some reason. He watched as Ominis stepped in, taking an empty seat. Diana was now sitting next to Garreth, and she looked more calm, as she had her ear talked off by the boy. Sebastian sighed and climbed on, taking his own seat. Once he did so the cart shifted and then they started towards the castle.

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