Chapter 51: Sebastian- sucky apology pt. 2

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He stared at her, seemingly unable to now even say her name- which he had been yelling non stop for the past half hour. After he had basically escaped the hospital he had been all over the castle looking for her. She wasn't in the library, the undercroft, and she hadn't been at dinner. So he had been trying desperately to get her attention, ignoring the looks he got from other students passing by, and the torrent of vinegar that rained down on him. He didn't care though, he needed to see her and now....

"You don't look very good- are you sure you shouldn't be in the hospital?"

He just looked at her, words still escaping him. He moved towards her, but she just stepped back- and that froze him.

"Diana I-" he didn't know what to say. He felt his mind racing, and the constant heaviness in his chest started to ache. She couldn't ignore him, she couldn't avoid him, she couldn't leave him....

"Sebastian-" her voice sounded shaky, but she pushed forward "I didn't mean to hurt you earlier, I just thought... it was an unwilling reaction, and I definitely didn't mean to bring magic into it. I didn't know what you were doing and it scared me."

"I wasn't trying to do anything!" he found his voice "I just saw Andrew Larson coming towards us and thought it would really take the mickey out of him if he thought-"

"If he thought what?" she crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. He coughed, suddenly adding discomfort to the list of things he was feeling.

"I thought if he thought he saw us um well if he saw me coming onto you he would really be upset."

"Why would that be upsetting?"

"Oh come on Diana, you know he likes you." Her face turned red, but this time he wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment or anger- maybe a little of both.

"He doesn't even know me! I barely even talked to him."

"Well it was enough for him. Besides he was being all stuck up about it before the game, acting like he could take you from me, like a prick. He had it coming-"

"Take me from you?!? I am not an object to be passed around, and I am definitely not yours."

Her words came out harsh and loud. He took a step back, feeling like he was seeing a side of her he never had before. He had seen her angry before, but not like this. He also understood her implication, but the comments hurt him nonetheless.

"No I didn't mean you were mine mine, just that we are friends and we are together all the time. He thought he could take that time away from me-" he tried to move towards her again, reaching out so he could hold her arm, but she moved quickly away.

"I don't know what kind of game you are playing, but I don't want to be used as a pawn for it. I feel like you don't even know me; that you do things to me that I hate, but you do it just to get a rise out of someone else." He tried to move closer again, but this time she held up her hand for him to stop.

"You know I have been trying to be more honest with how I am feeling, and I know I am still not great, and I think with you I've been even more scared to be honest so I didn't hurt you. But I realized today that it's not fair to you, and it's not fair to me. If I don't start being honest with you, I am going to feel scared, and you may get punched in the face again. I think we need to take a step back, for both our sakes-"

Sebastian felt panic course through him- she was trying to leave him. She was trying to abandon him just like Ominis had, just like Anne had, and just like his parents had... she was all he truly had left, the only person who had stuck with him through the worst of everything. He couldn't even hear her words anymore, all that sounded in his mind was the increasing drumming of his heart.

He felt he needed to stop her, to hold her until she couldn't leave him anymore. He needed to do something before she disappeared just like everyone else. He couldn't even chance a slow return like he did with Ominis- he couldn't take it. He moved towards her in an attempt to grab her, but she jumped back and pulled out her wand. She looked at him with wary eyes, but it wasn't enough to deter him. He went to pull out his own wand when something crashed into him, sending him to the ground and his wand flying through the air. It hit him not from the front where Diana was, but from the side. Lifting from the daze he looked over to see Ominis standing just above them on the stairs, rage coursing through his features. 

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