Chapter 39- MC

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It had taken Diana a considerable amount of effort to get Sebastian to leave her alone. She had left that evening to go talk to the other keepers when she met him. Their encounter was uncomfortable for her, but she was glad that they had moved past it. Unfortunately though he didn't seem to want to leave like she had when they finished. He followed her through the halls, trying to convince her to let him come with her.

She had finally convinced him to go back to his dorm to work on homework with Ominis by saying the Keepers probably wouldn't allow him to come into their chamber. In all honesty Diana knew that the Keepers couldn't really stop her if she had decided to bring someone in, but she used the excuse nonetheless. He had suggested waiting outside of the room for her, but she had told him she didn't know how long she would be- which was the truth. So begrudgingly he headed back, making her promise to come and find him at breakfast the next day.

Diana sighed as she pushed the doors opened and headed inside the large room. The keepers were indeed there, and immediately started asking for an update. After satisfying their questions she headed into the secret room. She didn't really need to check on the depository, but it was a quiet place away from the keepers to think.

She sat, in the same place as before, watching the silvery mass float near her. She let her mind wander. She thought about Sebastian and his current overbearing presence, which was so different from the aloof air he kept to last year. She thought of all the struggles they went through last year in his desperate need to help Anne. Then she thought about the girl, her friend. She was pretty upbeat in her letters, but things seemed to be getting much worse. It seems between her and her brother they had tried everything to help her get better- and with nothing but broken hearts and a broken family as a result. She thought about her magic, for all that it was it couldn't seem to help the people she cared about most. Even if it could, it had been basically beaten into her not to use it.

Diana felt a pull from the magic around her, and focused again on the ball. It seemed to sense her despair, trying to entice her to use its power. She shook her head, willing the magic out of her thoughts. This was probably similar to what Isadora had felt with her father, and maybe she had felt this pull from her magic as well. But she knew that taking away Anne's despair wouldn't solve anything for her friend. The curse would eat at her no matter how she felt about it emotionally.

"If only there was a way to remove just the curse and leave Anne as she is..." she whispered, voicing her thoughts aloud.

She sat with the idea, letting it roll around in her mind- trying to see it for all that it was. Could that even be a possibility? Isadora wasn't pulling out a curse from those she tried to help, it was their own emotions that were being tampered with. Could the same magic be used to remove something that didn't originate in a body? If it was possible, what could be the potential side effects of a curse being removed as abruptly as it would be. Could someone as frail as Anne even survive something like that?

Her mind was now racing, going through as many possibilities that she could think of. She had done a fair amount of research with Sebastian last year about curses, but she didn't know much about the after effects if a curse was removed. How was the person cared for afterwards, or were there still complications that had to be dealt with after the fact?

Diana stood, feeling a pounding in her heart, sending a flame alight inside of her. There was a possibility that she could do something to help her friend. She knew that there was a lot that she needed to look into before she could move forward with anything. She already had her work cut out for her with all of her classes, but wasn't this really what having her power was all about. If it made her different, if it out casted her; there must be a greater purpose. What is the point of ancient magic if not to better the world around her.

With a newfound burning inside of her, Diana raced through the cavern and out of the map chamber- not stopping at the protests of the other Keepers. She ran down the halls, making her way to the Library. She didn't know what would come of all of this, but she would be damned if she didn't try.

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