Chapter 34- MC

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The sun was bright and the breeze was warm as Diana and Ominis made their way down to the quidditch pitch. She was glad that Slytherin got the last slot to hold their tryouts; getting placed on a Saturday. She had heard Imelda complain about it, but Diana felt it was better this way. Now tryouts could be held in the mornings and neither player or spectator would be weighed down by exhaustion after a full day of classes. The other houses didn't have the same pleasure, and she would know; she went to them all.

She had only planned to go to see Sebastian try out, but Poppy had asked her to come with her to Hufflepuff's and she agreed. Then on Gryffindor's day, Garreth had caught her after potions and asked if she would go with him to cheer on Leander. He sounded so excited when he asked her that she couldn't help but say she would go. Then the evening of Raveclaw's turn she had been practically dragged by her roommates to go with them and watch. They had spent the whole time making her watch the captain of the team; Andrew Larson, which was quite boring seeing as he mostly yelled at the other players to do things instead of playing. She also ended up catching his eye more than once which made her feel uncomfortable.

All of these outings had been exhausting. Other than the fact that she got to be with her friends, she would have liked to be back at the castle doing her homework. But she did have her friend's company, and she would have lots to tell Anne about in her next letter as well, so it was worth it. She made sure to bring a quill and paper to take notes on everything while she was there- and she was teased by those with her at each event.

Today though she felt much more excited about watching her peers try to knock each other off their brooms and catch balls. She was ready to cheer on her friend, and this time she got to be with Ominis as well. They climbed the stairs to the seats, this time in the Slytherin section.

Diana noticed that there was the least amount of people watching these tryouts, even though it was the weekend. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff definitely brought the largest crowd for their tryouts, but even Raveclaw had more than just their own house that came to watch. The only people in the stands today were wearing green and gray, and were significantly less enthusiastic than the others had been.

Feeling a bit out of place, she looked down at her clothes; "I think I should have worn green today."

Ominis hummed at that "it would make sense for where we are at. What are you wearing?"

"I just wore my uniform without the tie and the cloak, but I do have my yellow vest on unbuttoned."

"Mmm well I guess as long as it's not red you'll probably be fine-"

At that moment Diana heard someone call her name, she turned towards the pitch, and saw Sebastian flying up to meet them. She jumped in excitement and ran over to the edge to meet him.

"Sebastian! How are you feeling? Are you ready-"

"Oi! Why are you wearing yellow? Hufflepuff had their tryouts on Wednesday." he shouted, absolutely ignoring her questions.

She sighed, somehow he always had perfect timing.

"I just didn't think about it until we were already here, besides I don't have anything green anyway."

Sebastian threw his head back in dramatic disgust. Then he held up a finger to tell her to wait and zoomed away. Ominis walked up to her as she saw him run into their locker room.

"What is that flying troll doing now?"

Diana didn't answer as she watched Sebastian run back out and hop on his broom. He zoomed up to them, holding something green. Before she could say anything he threw it at her, muting her words in the fabric as it hit her face.

"Give it back to me once this is over!" And off he went, back down to the green.

Diana pulled the article of clothing off her face and held it out- honestly numb to Sebastian's antics at this point.

"What is it?" the blind boy reached out to feel the item, but recoiled before he could. "Oh I know that smell anywhere, that's his old jersey isn't it."

Diana grimaced at the smell as well, looking over the items that she prayed had been washed at least once since he last used it over a year ago.

"Well... you get what you ask for I guess." she said, removing her vest to put the jersey on top of her white button up.

"I am never asking for anything ever again-" Ominis stated matter of factly "and please do not sit too close to me."

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