A/N - Character details +Relationships

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Hi everyone, I'm Jaimeleigh and I'd thought I'd take my own spin on the Knight Nursery; as I wanted to explore Marjorie's Backstory and shed light on the situations that can occur through emotional trauma and much more. I'm always open to talk and I hope this shows that there will always be someone to talk to.
I'll try my best with this story, although I will apologise in advance if these are a bit disjointed in places - I don't tend to write stories on here but more so in my own imagination.  And please give me suggestions on how I could improve!

I find it useful to have a brief summary of character ages and relationships because it sometimes helps with mindset of character. The ages have slightly changed to the original characters but it's to fit with the story.

Character Ages:
- Rodger Knight (62) - Siobhan's ucky man
- Laura Montgomery (58) -Marj and Maeve mum
- Michael Montgomery (Mike) (57) - Their father
- Reece Knight(38) - Marjorie's Boyfriend
- Amelia(Mia) Roberts(38) - Char And ? Gf soon?
- Marjorie(37) - Maeve's Sister/ Reece's Gf
- Charlotte(37) - Mia and ? Gf soon?
- Siobhan(36) - Ratty Rodger's Squeeze
- Nick(36) - Maeve's Crazy ex fiancé
- Autumn Knight (35) - Winters Girlfriend
- Winter( 35) - Autumns Boyfriend
- Maeve(35) - Marjorie's Sister
- Chef(31) - Our Umproblematic Chef
- Sorscha(28) - Love our Irish queen
- Jodie(23) - Plastic fruit consumer
- Carly(17 - poor lovely Carly) - Marjoreece work daughter

(A/n - Ik it's been revealed that their last name is Van Gould however for my purpose I'll be keeping it as Montgomery but if I do a story after this I'll change it to that.)

I don't know what pov's I will do but I may switch inbetween them. Thank you all :)

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