Chapter 18 - The confrontation

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She was alone in bed that night, Charlotte and Mia were in work and she was alone. Maeve was looking after Charlotte's daughter Lowri for the night, Charlotte and Mia wouldn't be getting home late anyways.

Lowri couldn't sleep that well, she was only 5 and
She was petrified of the dark. So as Maeve was alone at the moment, she heard small footsteps creepy towards her bedroom door.
"Hello?...Charlotte?" Maeve calls out, still cuddled under her duvet on her phone. "....eve" a small sigh calls out and peers behind the door, agape and she twiddles her fingers. "Sweetie what are you doing out of bed? Your mummy won't want that" Maeve motions for her to come in, sitting up on her bed. "I-I can't sleep...can I cuddle?" Lowri rubs her eyes and crawls into bed next to Maeve, they normally never shared that sort of space. Maeve would look after Lowri every now and then when Charlotte was working, but she would never ask for cuddles.

"Yeah.. you can have a cuddle sweetie, come here. Do you want me to sing to you again?" Maeve asks her sweetly patting right next to her again. Lowri nods and rests her head on Maeve's chest.

Maeve tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and starts singing to her,
"You are my sunshine... my only sunshine.. you make me happy, when skies are gray, You'll never know, dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away..." Maeve soothes as she places a light kiss on the top of her head.

Her mother always sings that song to her to help her sleep, so as soon as Maeve finished singing she fell asleep pretty easily.

Maeve goes back to scrolling on her phone, an arm around Lowri.
Maeve's POV:
I was still laying down with Lowri in our room, when I heard yet another open of the front door.
My mind brushed past it though as I was trying to deduce what to say to my 'parents' I wanted to confront them finally but I couldn't figure out what or how I wanted to end it.

"Hon?" Charlotte calls out and I feel myself start to smile and Lowri nestles closer to me. "In here sunshine, Amelia with you?" I say and they both appear from behind the door with a smile plastered on their face.

"And what's this?" Charlotte smiles, I knew she loved it when either me or Mia would hang out with Lowri, "She couldn't fall asleep so she's in bed with me and I sing her to sleep" I smile and re tuck a strand behind her ear. They both came to join me in bed one either side. "Are you going to talk to your parents today?" Mia asks rubbing my shoulder, "I may leave it till tomorrow I'm absolutely exhausted from playing with Lowri all day." I rest my head on Charlotte's shoulder.

We all sat in silence for a while, until Mia gets their attention. "Did you think about what you wanted to tell your parents sweetheart?" She asks tucking the blanket over the three of them.
"I don't know yet" I sigh, "I want to tell them how much pain they've caused me but now I'm so scared" I close my eyes for a second. I hear them shuffling and notice when I open my eyes Lowri is gonna and Mia's leg is wrapped around mine.
"What are you doing?" I ask her and she just grins. "I say.. tell them what comes from your heart... they can't make you at fault for that." Mia kisses cuddling into me.
The morning rolls around and all three women are cuddled up in bed still, after they had got Lowri ready to go to her dad's house. Maeve wakes up from a phone call and rushes to grab her robe before seeing the caller id: Laura.

She sighs and gets out of bed and closes the door going out onto the landing and picking up the phone. "Hello?" Maeve asks down the phone and from there the conversation starts to get louder and louder, as Maeve paces back and forth the landing and then sitting on the top of the stairs.
"No I will not... you get that straight... fuck off Laura" Maeve had interjected to what seemed to be Laura's every other remark.
Maeve rests her phone between her shoulder and ear continuing to speak to her mother. "No you're not right about that.....I am not a kid anymore!" Maeve slowly and slowly starts to get more annoyed and continues to pace around the house.

Mia wakes up and following with Charlotte, they both hear the commotion on the landing and look at each other. "What on earth is?" Charlotte looks to Mia chucking her the robe and getting out of bed. "Is she on the phone with Laura?" Mia questions opening the door to see her pacing up and down again. They go behind Maeve and watch her talking on the phone.

The phone call ends and Maeve sighs hanging up the phone and putting it back in her pocket.
"What a stupid prick.. I'm not a baby.." Maeve rubs her forehead in annoyance. "Hon? What's wrong" Charlotte wraps her arms around her waist. "My so called mother thinks what she did when I was younger is okay.. I was hoping to confront them today.. could one of you come with me? Just in case they try something" she leans into Charlotte. "I'll come with you sweetheart" Mia chimes in, neither of them could let Maeve
get hurt at all when it came to them.

As they drive to Maeve's parent's house, she feels the suffocating feeling rise in her throat into her face. "What if they get mad?" Maeve turns to Mia as she drives there, "Sweetheart I can't promise anything but I'll be in the car ready to get in there if something bad starts to happen, okay?" She puts her hand on Maeve's thigh.
They arrive at her mothers house and Maeve for the first time she walks into the house and you can already hear the ruckus fuelling.

Sat in the car, Mia can even start to hear shouting and rowdiness arising from everywhere. She slowly gets out the car and walks inside of the building. There she sees Maeve on the floor with her hand clasped around her cheek.
"Oh come on you tart, you wanted to parade around with women and then lie saying we did that to you?" Mike says as he towers over Maeve, just like he used to. "How could you even accuse us of that? Your Marjorie wouldn't dare do such a thing about us" Laura chimes up, trailing behind Mike smirking unsettlingly at Maeve.

Mia looks down at Maeve and back up to Mike and Laura, "Hey get back from her Mike!" Mia calls back and Laura looks up and down at Mia, "A-Amelia what.....what are you doing here?" Laura smiles and tries to offer a hand out to Mia, which she smacks her hand away.

"Drop the act, I know what you've been doing.. I know it all.." Mia walks infront of Maeve to protect her pushing her back with her hand.

"Y-you shouldn't believe what Maeve says you know... she's such a troubled child." Laura pesters trying to get closer to Maeve but Mia blocks her path. "Going somewhere?" She antagonises, putting her hand out.
"There." She points behind Mia and in a matter of minutes Mia is verbally dragging them both to shreds, installing fear into them both.

Calmly Mia waved behind her and picks up Maeve before leaving, slamming the door behind her as she left. Maeve could finally be free and safe, for now at least.

A/N - my intention was to make this more dialogue based but I had a brain fart mid writing this chapter, hope you enjoy this crap one :)

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